(5) 911 Where Has My Heart Gone?

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[ Don't read if you haven't seen s15 on Grey's Anatomy. Stream S15 of GREY'S ANATOMY now on Netflix. ]

Schmitt's POV:
Days have gone by since I've asked Nico to be my plus one for Dr. Karev's birthday party. At this point I'm positive he thinks I'm weird. Anyways there's a trauma incident that happened and I want to be the first to be there.

~At Grey-Sloan~

"I need a gurney and head to trauma one stat!" Owen stated. "Schmitt, I need you to take care of the pit and page me if there's any critical conditions." Owen said to Schmitt.

"Yes Dr. Hunt." Schmitt replied

Schmitt's POV:
I'm in charge of the pit today, thank god. I don't think Nico wants to acknowledge me anymore, but whatever. Omg there's a trauma 1, going to steal that before anyone else does.

~time skip~

Nico's POV:
Ugh I'm still thinking about what Levi asked me. Dr. Karev's birthday is in a week and I still haven't told Levi my answer. It's literally so simple but I make it so hard(that's what he said ;)). Anyways I'm running late to work so I better get going.

~Time skip to where Nico is at GSMH~

Nico's POV:
"Dr. Kim!" is all I hear. Who could that be from? I turn around to see Dr. Bailey, she says they need me in trauma 1. Apparently the patient had two broken ribs. I immediately go and take the patient to the OR.

Schmitt's POV:
I'm getting ready for the surgery and as I'm scrubbing my hands I see the man I was hoping I wouldn't have to see today. Nico Kim. Oh boy I already regret coming into work today. "Hi." I said. 'Hi' REALLY? All I could manage to say was 'Hi'? Dear lord please end me. "Hi there." he says back. Phew. Don't have to panic no more. "So you're the doctor doing the surgery?" I ask. "Yup. He came in with two broken ribs and was trauma 1 status." he said. "We'll let's work together to help him have his ribs repaired." I said. "Alrighty partner." That's what KILLED me.

~After surgery is done~
Schmitt's POV:
"That surgery went well." I had said to Nico since he looked a bit tired. "Yeah, it did." was all he said to me. I started to walk out of the OR when I heard someone shouting my name, it was Nico. "Hey um, so about Karev's birthday par-" I cut him off before he finished his sentence. "Look Nico, it's been weeks, you don't have to tell me that you don't want to go. It's fine." Was it really fine? No. I said to him and trailed off before he spoke again. "I want to go with you." he said. That sentence sent a shiver down my spine.

Nico's POV:
As I finished telling Levi I want to go with him to Karev's party, I asked him some questions, etc. I saw that smile on his face and I couldn't help but just love it. I couldn't wait to see what the future held for both of us.

YO HOMIES WHAT'S UP??? I know it's been a while since I've updated this story. I've postponed this story due to school and I'm trying my best not to be too much on my phone. I've been drafting some chapters and I'll eventually post them later on. Also hey! Do y'all like s16 of Grey's so far? I do, I'm honestly so happy with Jo's storyline so far!!! She literally deserves the best. Us amelink and jolex warriors are really winner. Anyways peace!

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