1 ↝ Love at First Meeting and a First Confession?

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Moulay looked around, following as his father lead the way into the large, unusually-shaped building. The royal family was in Australia for a business trip, and he was bored out of his mind. Wanting anything but to be there, suddenly a small shadowy figure caught his eye.

As he walked closer towards the performance area, he had a closer look at the shadowy figure, who turned out to be a young, beautiful girl. Her hair hung in cascades besides her dainty face, and she had a phone in her hand, playing King of Glory in all her glory.

In that moment, he fell into the deepest depths of love.

Suddenly, her phone ran out of battery, and she finally looked upwards, revealing her gorgeous features that matched her stunning silky hair. Her doe eyes were a beautiful shade of chestnut brown and the rest of her features were perfectly sculpted, with a high, pointed nose, prominent cheekbones and rosy red lips. She brushed her hair back with her slender fingertips, her graceful mannerisms catching the attention of the young prince and captivating him into continuing to gaze at her.

The girl eventually caught him staring, raising a brow and smiling lightly. Moulay's heart went doki-doki and his cheeks grew a deep shade of red. The beauty looked down again, and Moulay finally turned the other way, dazzled by the rare and precious beauty beheld by the girl before him.

After that, the band began their performance. The girl lifted her violin and began to play. She looked ethereal with her eyes closed, immersed in the music. Moulay could see nothing in the dark room but her, gradually falling deeper and deeper in love as the band played on and on.

The song finished, and Moulay was left stunned. He was left in a daze for a few seconds before coming to his senses, knowing that he had find out who exactly that beautiful girl was and how she liked her tamagos in the morning.

The band went backstage, including Linda, who packed up her violin and sheet music and disappeared into the darkness.

Moulay knew he had to act fast.

He ran, ran like the wind, after her, shocking everyone in the audience with his unruly actions, being a prince and all. Moulay went left and right, dodging the other band players as he frantically searched for his love.

And there she was.

She was hunched upon a chair in the corner, reading a web novel on her phone. Moulay smiled in relief and crouched next to her.

"Hey," he said in a friendly voice, holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Huh," she muttered, ignoring his inviting hand as she continued to read her novel.

"What book is that?" he asked, retreating his hand and continuing to smile at her, awestruck by her goddess-like features.

"Perfect Secret Love," she replied with gritted teeth, not bothering to even look at him as she was too immersed in the novel.

There was a silence, slightly awkward, until the prince decided to speak.

"Do you want to make that book a reality?" he blurted out boldly, gaining a slight burst of confidence.

"Lol wtf," said Linda with a scoff, finally turning to look at him, her expression still blank. "Do you even know what the book is about?

"No," Moulay replied. "But I know how we can have a perfect secret love."

"Okay," she answered, going back to read her novel.

"I love you," he whispered.

"Okay," she mumbled, too absorbed in her novel to properly listen to what he had just said.


- thank you so much for reading!

- don't forget to vote + comment if you liked this chapter!

- keep in mind that this series is mostly a joke lmao I may usually suck at making storylines but not THIS much

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