Ashes in the Wind

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It was time to run. Atlantisa laughed and dodged a tree. Just ahead of her was her sister, Virgo, and hot on her tail was Leo, chasing them both. She glanced back, giggling. Virgo veered left, and Atlantisa went right, jumping a stream. Another look behind; Leo wasn't there. She looked around for a place to hide. A black leaved plant caught her eye. Atlantisa dove into the bush, smiling in delight. The plant matched her fur exactly! She wiggled further in to the bushes. Faint sound trickled through the leaves.

"Leo! That's not fair!" Virgo's voice sounded first. Then the deeper sound of Leo's voice said something else. Atlantisa couldn't make it out. While she was listening, a bird fluttered into her bush.

"I do hope my hiding here does not offend thee, for I am playing chase, and the others would catch me elsewhere." Her voice carried a faint accent, though Atlantisa didn't know from where, and she sounded formal. "What is thy name?" Asked the bird.

"I'm Atlantisa." Replied the fox. The little bird shuffled her wings. "Allyeentisa?" She asked hesitantly. "I hope I did not offend thee!"

"Oh, no, no, not at all. No, you can call me Ally. What is your name?" She asked.

"I am Sojona." The little bird replied. "Sojona Vrabac."

"That is a fine name, Sojona Vrabac."

Ally's siblings ran up to the bush she was hiding in with Sojona.

"Ha! I found you, Atlantisa!" Yelled Leo.

"You mean you poked you head in after I led you here." Said Virgo. Ally pulled herself out of the bush, shaking her fur.

"Yeah, yeah yeah, whatever," retorted Leo. "But I found her."

Sojona fluttered out of the bush. "Oh, hello. Thee must be Ally's brother and sister." She dipped her head. Leo stared at her.

Ally nudged her brother. "Leo!" She hissed. "Manners!" Leo shook his head. "Leo Sharpsa, Prince of Sharpsa. A pleasure to meet you."

"Princess Virgo Sharpsa. Nice to meet you." Just then, Ally's parents came rushing up. "Atlantisa! You should have told us where you were! We can't lose you, because, quite frankly, Leo would not be a good king. Oh, what is your friend's name?" asked her mother, Henge.

"Your Highness, I am Sojona Vrabac," replied Sojona.

"Oh, you are Kraljica Kaina's daughter, aren't you?" Henge asked.

"Indeed I am, your Majesty. Am I wrong to assume that thee is Queen Henge of the Sharpsa?"

"You are correct in that assumption, Princess Vrabac," said Henge, just as King Taurus whipped around. "Quiet!"

The clearing fell into silence. Faint screaming echoed in the forest. Wisps of smoke curled around the foxes' ears. King Taurus turned back around. "Henge, Leo, Virgo, follow me. Atlantisa, stay. Princess Sojona, I know I can't tell you what to do, but please, please, make sure Atlantisa stays. As best as you can." He turned back around and took off into the trees. Henge, Leo and Virgo followed him. The wisps of smoke thickened into curls. The village was on fire! And just like that, the screaming stopped. The tramp of many boots started. The sound grew louder and louder as Ally and Sojona realized that they had to hide.

"Quick, into this bush!" whispered Ally. She ducked back into the bush that not three minutes ago, she was playing in. The feet grew louder. And then the first man appeared. And a second. A third. Soon, an entire squadron was in the clearing. They marched around, but they were looking for red foxes, not a coal black fox and a bird. One soldier ducked down and looked into the bush Ally and Sojona were in.

"Listen." He whispered. "I know you're here. The king wants us to kill you, but I'm not going to. My argument is with the fairies. Just don't get in my way." He ducked back out.

"None hur." He said.

"Lez go." said another. They marched off, back toward the remains of the village. They met with the rest of the battalion, and started their march back to the castle. The sounds faded away.  Sojona looked at Ally.

"Maybe I should go fir-" Ally had gone. Sojona took off after her. She followed, catching up to Ally. Ally skittered to a stop. Sojona didn't. But she did stop when she flew into the smoke. She coughed, ash clogging her feathers. She plummeted toward the ground.

"Ally!" she cried, choking. Ally dashed forward, barely catching Sojona.

"Here, sit on my back." Sojona hopped onto her back and clung on.

Lightning cracked and thunder boomed as Ally stepped delicately across the charred ground. Rain started to pour down. The smoke cleared, blown away by a small wind. Ally looked around, her vision blurry. She looked over, seeing a small, furry heap. She ran over to it, disregarding the muddy, lumpy, dangerous ground. The Princess gasped. It was Leo. She buried her nose in his side, crying softly. Minutes passed until she glanced up, hiccuping. A small fire, covered by a log, still burned nearby, lending flickering light to Atlanisa's eyes. She stood up, looking around, hearing an odd hissing, rattling noise. She looked up. Her father was on top of a ruined storage building. The noise was his breathing. She scrambled up the ruins, cutting one of the pads on her foot, leaving a bloody trail of paw prints. Sojona fluttered up after her, stopping halfway. Atlantisa clambered up to the very top and kneeled next to her father.

"Atlantisa..." he gasped for breath.

"I am here, father." she said.

"Promise me.. that you... will be the best.." he shuddered, continuing. "The best queen possible. I, King Taurus, He of Sharp Teeth and Quick Wit, give my daughter my blessing. May you have good judgement, wise words, and may your enemies never see you coming." He struggled for breath. "Rise, daughter of mine, you are a Queen."

"Father, Mother is not here," cried the queen.

"I do not know." Taurus looked heart-broken. "I can not stay long..." he shuddered. "May your life be long... and take down the traitor king." The Fox King laid his head down, and closed his eyes. He sighed, stiffening. Atlantisa howled. She pulled her father down the ruins, pulling him toward her siblings. She nosed them into natural positions. They could have been sleeping. Ally sat next to them, howling. A kit crawled out of the nursery. She stopped howling, and looked at the baby.

"Come here, little one. I won't hurt you." the baby looked at her, crawling forward.

"Mama gone." it said. Another kit crawled out of the crushed nursery. She looked at her sibling, then ran toward Atlantisa. They leaned against her legs, scared. A scratching noise started. Ally and the kits looked around nervously. Parts of the nursery were shaking. The kits trembled. Ally growled, lifting her hackle. But is was just another fox, limping out of the ruins of the nursery, looking around nervously.

"Is it over?" she asked.

"It is over." said Ally. The fox walked toward her, glancing at the still forms of Taurus and Leo.

"Is the Queen-?" The babies ran toward her.

"MAMA!" they cried. Ally nodded sadly.

More foxes limped or crawled from places they had hid. Some had played dead, others had ran. They gathered around Atlantisa and Sojona, howling toward the sky.

"The King is dead. Long live the Queen."


Finally a chapter has been put up! Same goes for most stories... this is only on Wattpad, so if you see it anywhere, message me please!!!! Also I dunno why it won't let me space like usual, so there's not really any indents.

Have a wonderful day...


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