Speaking of the teen, where was he?

Inferno looked back and forth in the room, room he could've sword his Fire having been previously. Heiji stood nervously on his left, part of him wanting to find the source of the familiar warmth he felt swirling in the room. His bright blue eyes scanned the room, finding nothing.

He suddenly felt something wrap around his ankle, causing him to jump and fall over. Staring in confusement, his eyes soon found themselves to be locked into a stare with a pair of amber orbs.
"Damn, she's pretty", he thought to himself, not quite seeing the room due to it being dark.

"King... Why are you on the floor?" Cain asked carefully while Heiji had to reevaluate his previous thoughts. "I remember telling you to call me either Nao or Naoki", the being said as she.... He... Got up lazily. Mercilessly, the eldest in the room switched the light on, earning a hiss from the younger man, who was now rubbing his eyes like a just awoken baby.
At this point, Heiji was ready to yeet himself into the actual sun because of realising that he just mistook a boy, who was older than he was, and taller than he was, to be a woman AND COMPLIMENTED HIS LOOK IN HIS MIND.

"You really shouldn't sleep on the floor, King, you'll get sick", "Naoki, it's Na-o-ki, not king, not emperor, not God, Naoki. Also I don't usually get sick easily, or at least I didn't in the past", "Don't jinx it"

The floofy haired high schooler turned at the boy in glasses, who flinched instinctively. The look in his eyes had changed, it was a lot sharper now, more perceptive, than it had been. Heiji felt the the glance weight on him like the first sin, but as soon as it was weighing upon his shoulders, it was gone, his whole being felt lighter, mind clearer and heart full. It was as if during that one heavy second, the older boy had taken away everything he had been holding in, all the bad feeling, the things that had been holding him back, slowly breaking his being apart, and just... Made it go away.

The middle schooler knew that everything was still there, but he still felt better. Like he could trust the other one.

Naoki smiled, his old looking eyes closing, as he offered his hand to Heiji. "Welcome home, my Coal", his voice carried over like a seductive song (if you asked from the Guardians, Naoki himself was 100% sure that they were over exaggerating (they were)) into the ears of Heiji, who was quick to offer his own hand to be shaken. Cain followed this suite, chuckling to himself as he followed the almost shy antics of their newest Famiglia member.

"I am the boss of Paravento Famiglia, the Sky so to speak. The name is Oda Naoki", the Fire said as he shook the offered hand firmly, "What's yours? I can't refer to you as Coal all the time can I?". Heiji took a second to answer, as his mind was going through the list of things that might use that kind of name for their group. "So... I'm now in mafia, huh... Cool... Uhh... Ummmm.... Mizushima Heiji, that's my name", he answered silently hoping that the teen wouldn't ask questions or be suspicious about him.

For a split second, Heiji could see those eyes narrow ever so slightly at his stuttering, before resuming to their previous gentle gaze. "I see... Is it okay if I sometimes call you Mitsu? I just feel like it'd work for you nicely. Or... Himawari?" the amber eyed teen turned to Cain, who was still observing them with an amused look written all over his face. "Umm.. Well.. I use sunflower as my signature whenever I hack into things so... Sure?" the young hacker said as he followed after the teen as he walked towards the table in middle of the room.

For those who might be interested, Naoki had been sleeping beneath it until Cain and Heiji had come inside. Yes, the Paravento Primo had rather interesting sleeping habits as those who had decided to move into his house or visited him enough had observed.

No, seriously, it was normal to find him from underneath the desk or inside the closet sleeping. Some of his friends, mainly Xanxus and Tetsuya had started to pick him up and toss him to either some other, much softer place, to sleep in or put him into even weirder places. One of these weirder places was the bathtub. But then again, that might've been just Belphegor trying to murder him but then losing interest due to him not waking up to scream. Go fig.

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