But Wilshire was apparently where every mother in a ten-mile radius was absolutely desperate for him to marry their daughters. He had met more people since arriving in Wilshire than he had in the six and twenty years he had living in London.

Harry was also quite terrible at recalling names, and so he was being introduced to people this evening by acquaintances that he had quite forgotten the names of.

"Have you seen her yet?" asked Penny Everett, Harry's younger sister.

Penny was referring to the one reason why Harry had insisted that this assembly be a public one. "No," he replied, and not for a lack of looking. Though it was impossible to discern one face from another in this immense crowd.

Harry was quickly claimed by another acquaintance, who introduced him to his wife and two daughters. Harry forgot their names instantly but bowed respectfully and introduced his sister to them.

No sooner had he left that party, he was intercepted by another. Harry recognised the face of the gentleman, but his name escaped him. He brought with him his elegant wife, and pretty daughter.

"Good evening, Your Lordship," he greeted respectfully.

It was still a slight shock to Harry to be addressed so formally. He had always been plain Mr Everett up until a month ago.

"Good evening," replied Harry, searching his mind desperately for this gentleman's name, but nothing came. His recognised this man's face as important but couldn't place why. It did not help that he had met two hundred other gentlemen this week alone.

"Please allow me to introduce my wife, Mrs Banes, and my daughter, Miss Eliza Banes, and my ward, Miss Katy Fairchild."

Harry's heart stopped. Now he remembered why this man was so important. Banes. She had talked about her family, told him about them. And then this man, Mr Banes, had just said her name.

But she was not here. He brought only his wife and daughter with him. Where was she?

Mr Banes seemed to realise at the same time that Katy was not with them. "Where has Katy got to?" he asked his wife.

"Oh, never mind that," muttered Mrs Banes, before she put on a marvellous smile. "Your Lordship, welcome to Wilshire!" she said pleasantly. "We are all so pleased to make your acquaintance. Miss Banes, in particular, is delighted." Mrs Banes nudged her daughter, who seemed to step forward begrudgingly.

Miss Eliza was the first young lady he had encountered in Devon that did not seem to fall over her feet to meet him. He supposed Katy was not included in that, as she had literally fallen over her feet when meeting him.

Nevertheless, Miss Eliza smiled at him, curtseyed, and uttered something pleasant.

"It is an honour to meet you both, Mrs Banes, Miss Banes. Please allow me to introduce my sister, Miss Penelope Everett."

Penny said something kind as Harry looked around the room once more. Surely, she could not be far. She had to have arrived with her family. But then, maybe she had seen him and then she had run away.

It would not be the first time.

He only wanted to talk to her, to understand –

"Oh, how Miss Eliza loves this dance!" Mrs Banes cried as the musicians began to play the quadrille.

Harry was not oblivious to the hint, and it had been awhile since he had last danced. But he knew it was expected, and perhaps dancing might allow him to get a closer look at the couples. Katy could be one of them.

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