Soon the lunch bell rings, everybody getting up but the pang in my heart from Kingston doesn't go away. It's like a little hole, knowing that in one of my classes that I don't have with Kingston he could do anything with her.

I exit my class to see Melanie waiting for me next to my locker. I stuff in some books, as Melanie waves her hand in my face.

I shake my head and look at her with a scowl before I realize it's her, "Oh sorry, I'm in a bad mood." I say, shaking my head, as Kingston comes out of the class and wraps his hands around my waist, his head landing on my shoulder.

"I'm going to go get us a table." He says, kissing my neck, slowly and softly. He quickly pulls me towards him before letting go, walking away at a normal pace

Lilah comes out of nowhere, blocking me from saying any more.

"Yea you like Kingston, hun." They say and I shake my head. "Knight in shining armor? He saved you! Hot? Everybody thinks so. Nice? Look at how he treats you!" Melanie says excitedly while fluttering her eyelashes.

"I don't like, Kingston." I say, but I don't know if that's true or not. Lilah covers my mouth, "Oh shut up!" She says and I roll my eyes....


But fuck he thinks everybody is hot except me. I bestfriend zoned myself.

Lilah takes her hand off my mouth, "We will talk about this later." She says pointing at me but then changing the direction of her point to something behind me.

"I already know Melanie, she's in three of my classes already. I know how she was your best friend three years ago of whatever and then she moved. But this is Rain and Miah." She says and I nod, smiling at them.

"Hi." I say shyly, "Hi is just a stupid version of the word Hello. If the world doesn't properly say hello than what have we become?" Rain says with a low pitched voice. Lilah leans in, "Isn't she hot?"

I look at her, "Is she?" I mouth silently and she glares at me, I put my hands up with a chuckle. Miah is silent giving me a small wave, I like Miah. Rain is a bit much though.

I take Melanies hand, dragging her to the lunch table and waving at Lilah. Lilah seems to be picking Rain over me, and I guess that's okay now that I have Melanie.

We sit down at the lunch table with Kingston sitting between me and Melanie. She smiles at him as he speaks, so far she likes Kingston. Reid sits across from me, on his phone.

Soon Miah comes over, putting her hands up and sitting next to Reid. "Rain and Lilah are talking a lot. I don't like being left out, I'm gonna sit here." She says, but I wonder why she thinks she's being less left out when she sits next to Reid.

Reid's the one who barely talks- WAIT. Miah and Reid would be so perfect together I- Okay never mind. I didn't like being told that I like Kingston so I'll stop.

Soon River sits down next to me, his lips reddish. He smiles at me, a sweet smile leading me to think he didn't just have sex. But I know he did.

I shake my head with a scrunched up nose.

"I have to talk to your mom about whatever later, but after I was wondering if we could go to the diner? I want you to meet Melanie. You can bring Kingston and Reid. But if you bring Reid you should bring Miah." I mumble the last part and he nods.

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