Party in Germany

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(Loki's hideout) Elena's POV

I woke up hearing father speaking to another man. I open my eyes to see him talking to a raven haired man with blue eyes. I can't deny he is attractive, but where am I? "Ah the princess is awake" the man says smirking at me and a shiver goes down my spine.

"Who are you? And what have you done to my father?" I demand standing up.

"I have freed him and I am Prince Loki of Asgard" the man states. I notice all the men and women around us. And frown.

"Where did you find all these people?" I ask him confused.

"SHIELD has not shortage of enemies, Elena" Father answers.

"Father snap out of this, it isn't you" I tell him.

"He can't hear you" Loki says smirking and I go to attack him. When I see a man in a lab coat bring Iridium up on a screen.

"Why do you need Iridium?" I ask confused. Chemistry may not be my area of expertise, but I know the Periodic table like the back of my hand.

"Is this the stuff you need?" Father asks the doctor.

"Yeah, iridium. It's found in meteorites, it forms anti-protons. It's very hard to get hold of" the doctor explains.

"Especially if SHIELD knows you need it" Father and I say together while I smirk. No way they can beat SHIELD, especially if they still have Aunt Nat.

"Well, I didn't know! Hey! The Tesseract is showing me so much. It's more than just knowledge, it's... truth" the doctor tells Loki who smirks.

"I know. What did it show you, Agent Barton?" Loki asks father.

"My next target" he replies. I go to slap my father hoping to snap him out of this mind control. But Loki grabs me and holds me close to him.

"None of that princess" he sneers in my ear. "Tell me what you need" he tells my father.

"I'll need a distraction" Father states grabbing his combine bow. "And an eye" he adds opening his bow.

"Then you shall have it" Loki says smirking. "Come Princess, we have a party to attend" he tells me.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!" I snap.

"Really? If you don't behave, your adoptive father will pay the price for your disobedience" he tells me.

"Why not brainwash me, like you've done everyone else?" I demand.

"I would never brainwash my queen" he says smirking. Suddenly he's wearing a tux and I'm wearing a lace silver ball gown. With my hear in an elegant bun. "Now you look like a true goddess" he states. Suddenly the lab disappears around us and we appear in an alleyway.

"Where are we?" I ask confused.

"Germany, now stay by my side and do as I say. Or dear daddy will pay the price" he tells me firmly. I nod my head, not wanting him to hurt my father. "Come, we are already late for the party" he says linking our arms. He leads me into the open and towards a museum, where a party is in full swing.

We enter the building and Loki takes out the gaurd with his scepter. Which is disguised as a staff. The crowd start to panic as he heads toward one person. I follow, but keep my distance waiting for the perfect time to strike.

Loki grabs the man and flips him over onto a marble table. He pulls out an optical torture device. He plunges it down one the doctor's eye. The doctor twists and wraiths in pain."Stop it!" I shout and go attack him. But he reacts to quickly and pins my arms behind my back leaving the one the table.

"Behave, lets go meet our subjects" he tells me. With an arm around my waist he drags me outside where people are fleeing. "Kneel!" he shouts as his Asgardian armor appears. No one listens and makes multiple copies of us, caging the people in. "I said, kneel" he orders and they all begin to kneel facing the real us.

"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel" he tells them.

I notice an old man refused to kneel. 'Please kneel' I beg him. But it's to late as he speaks up, getting Loki's attention.

"Not to men like you" he states.

"There are no men like me" Loki tells him.

"There are always men like you" the man states.

"Look to your elder, people" Loki tells the crowd.

"Loki don't..." I start to say.

"Let him be an example" he states and fires a stream of blue energy at the man.

"No!" I shout and go to try stop it. But Loki holds my arm firmly. Suddenly a man dives in just in time. He blocks the blast with his shield, knocking down Loki and I on our bums. "Thank heavens" I say when I recognize Captain America. I get up and move away from Loki as he faces Captain America.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing" he tells Loki.

"The soldier, a man out of time" Loki sneers.

"You're the one out of time" Captain America and I tell him. Just then the quinjet arrives aiming it's weapons at Loki.

"Loki drop the weapon and stand down" Nat orders. I smile, Aunt Nat is still on our side. Loki fires at her and Captain America starts to fight him. As I help the citizens escape the battle. I had just got them all to safety when I hear Shoot to Thrill start to play. I look up as Iron man appears blasting Loki. He hovers beside Captain America as I join them.

"Make your move reindeer games" Iron man tells Loki and I giggle. Loki drops his scepter raising his hands in surrender. As my ball gown disappears, to replaced by the clothes I was wearing befo"Good move" Iron man tells him.

"Mr Stark" Captain America says nodding his head.

"Captain, Ice Princess" Iron man says and I roll my eyes. They cuff Loki and we take him with the scepter onto the quinjet. Loki is strapped down in the back, while I go sit in the co-pilot seat beside Nat.


Picture above of Loki's party outfit and on the external link of Elena's party outfit.

Elena: Goddess of JotunheimWhere stories live. Discover now