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Elena's POV

I'm cleaning my apartment as I listening to the Pitch Perfect soundtrack. I had a good study session and feel on track to complete my exams. Then I can go see Mother and Father. I can't wait to see how much Cooper and Lila have grown.

Let me tell you a bit about my family. Laura is my adoptive mother is a stay at home mum. Raising my two younger adoptive siblings Cooper and Lila. Mother told me she wants to have another baby though in a couple of years. Clint is my adoptive father and a SHIELD agent known as Hawkeye. He's a wiz with a bow and arrow. Though his work partner, Aunt Natalia is better at hand to hand combat. Both have taught me the basics, just encase I ever had to defend myself. Father is currently on protection detail at some secret lab.

Anyway I had just finished cleaning the windows when there was a knock at the door. I frown in confusion not expecting anyone. I turn off my music and head for the door. I open it and am surprised to see my father. "Father, I didn't know you were in New York" I say smiling and hug him. "Come in, would you like something to eat?" I ask him pulling away.

"We need to leave Elena" he tells me and I frown.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I ask him concerned. He doesn't answer and grabs my arm in a tight grip. "Father, what are you doing?" I demand.

"Quiet Elena, we must hurry" he tells me. I notice his attire and frown.

"Father why are you in your work uniform?" I ask him as he drags me to the elevator. Again he doesn't answer. "Father, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on" I tell him firmly. We enter the elevator and I see one of his arrows. I go to run, but he keeps a hold of my arm.

He grabs the arrow and holds it in front of my face. Gas appears and start to feel drowsy. The last thing I remember is him picking me up bridal style as the elevator goes down.

Third Persons POV

Clint carries the unconscious Elena to his hot wired car and places her in the passenger seat. He buckles her in before shutting the door. He gets into the drivers side and locks the doors, before driving out of the under ground garage. He heads for the secret lab as Elena sleeps.

(Loki's Hideout)

Clint arrives and stops the car, turning it off. He gets out and grabs the still unconscious Elena. He heads into the lab where Loki was talking to Doctor Selvig. Clint lays Elena down on a bed as Loki notices them and dismisses the doctor. He walks over to the pair. "I have brought you want you wished for master" Clint states.

"Why is she unconscious?" Loki demands.

"She was trying to resist, so I knocked her out with gas" Clint explains. "But she is alive and undamaged, as ordered" he states.

"Very good" Loki says smirking examining Elena. "She will be a beautiful queen" he states. Not knowing that the God of Jotunheim sensed his daughter in danger.


"Odin!" Jedidiah shouts storming into the throne room where Thor and his father are talking.

"What is the meaning of this Jedidiah?" Odin demands standing from his throne.

"Your son Loki has abducted my daughter" Jedidiah growls.

"Impossible, he died years ago" Thor states.

"Oh he's alive and on Midgard, planning to attack them with an army of Chitauri. I demand you arrest him and rescue my daughter" Jedidiah states.

"He speaks the truth, Lord Odin" Heimdall says entering the room.

"Very well, Thor go to Midgard and bring your brother back here. Free Jedidiah's heir and bring her too" Odin orders.

"Right away father" Thor says bowing his head and leaves with Heimdall.

"Your daughter shall be safe soon" Odin assures Jedidiah.

"Thank you Odin, I would of done it myself. But I cannot interfere in Midgard affairs" Jedidiah says. "I shall remain until my daughter arrives" he adds. Odin agrees, saying he'd have a room prepared for him and his daughter's stay.

(Russian warehouse)

Natasha is being interrogated by a Russian general when Phil called the general. The general handed her the phone. "We need you to come in" Phil tells her.

"Are you kidding? I'm working!" she exclaims.

"This takes precedence" he tells her.

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything" she tells him. While the general muttered something in Russian. "Look, you can't pull me out of this right now" she tells Phil.

"Natasha, Barton's been compromised and Elena is missing" Phil tells her. She freezes at this.

"Let me put you on hold" she tells him and lets the general take the phone back. She hits him with her leg and head buts him. She stands, still tied to the chair, and kick boxes the tall thug in the face. She rolls over to the weaselly thug, trips him, and stomps on his foot, then she knocks him out with a head but.

While Coulson waits calmly on the other line. Listening to her take three men down with her arms literally tied behind her back. She flips, breaking the chair on weaselly thugs' rib-cage, and looks to the tall thug, standing up. She kicks him too, chocking him out cold. She then wraps general's legs with a chain and pushes him down the hole he was threatening to drop her down. He hangs there, in pain, and she grabs her shoes and the phone.

"Where are they now?" she asks Phil as she walks away.

"We don't know" Phil answers.

"But they're alive" she says.

"We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy" Phil tells her.

"Coulson, you know that Stark only trusts me about as far as he can throw me" she tells him.

"No, I've got Stark. You get the big guy" Phil tells her smirking.

She hangs up the phone saying "Bozhe moi". She goes to the waiting jet and heads for Calcutta India, to get Doctor Bruce Banner. Along with about dozen other agents for back up, if needed.


Picture above of Elena's Apartment floor plan and picture on the external link of mind controlled Clint.

Elena: Goddess of JotunheimWhere stories live. Discover now