Chapter 11

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You stare at the stack of paperwork, pictures, videos, and voice recordings sitting on the desk in front of you. Thankfully Jess had been working on this on the down-low for years now. You let out a heavy sigh as someone places a blanket on your shoulders. You glance back to see Bucky gently pat your shoulder and you offer a tired smile. Grabbing his hand, you lean into his touch and let out a tired sigh. You'd been up for days and all you wanted was to get in touch with Thor and let him know what was going on, but you couldn't. There was no doubt in yours and Bucky's mind that his parents had bugged your phones.

If you called or texted Thor, you could be putting your whole family in danger. You had no doubt that he was in a panic wondering what exactly happened and that thought alone caused your heart to clench. "You sure you don't want a drink?" Jess asks pouring herself a glass of whiskey.

"As much as I would like one, it's better to be sober for this." You reply kindly refusing the alcohol. She offers you a knowing nod and then continues her research.

"Since you don't want that, can I get you a water?" Malcolm asks, and you nod.

"Thanks Malcolm." You reply leaning forward onto the outer side of Jess's desk. Reaching out, you grab some pictures of people Winifred Barnes had previously blackmailed and threatened and you furrow your brow. For this whole thing to work you needed people on your side. Tony had offered his influence as assistance for anything you needed. You accepted willingly. You know Tony thought of you as the little sister he never had and that thought alone warmed your heart.

You hear a faint buzzing and your heart clenches as you reach into your pocket to pull out your cell phone. You reach up and rub your brow as you see that there are more missed calls from Thor. "You okay?" Jess asks, and you shake your head.

"Not really," You start eyes stinging with tears. "I've never lied to Thor before, and I know this isn't technically lying, but I've never kept anything from him. He knows everything about me and I know everything about him. That is how our relationship works." You pause setting your cell phone down on top of the desk. "I hate that I'm having to do this to him. For all he knows, I left both him and Lily behind to go back to Buck."

"I'm sure that's not what he thinks." Bucky says from the couch across the room and you chuckle.

"Who do you think knows him better? The woman he's been in love with for the better part of six years, or the ex-husband of said woman who barely knows him." You retort anger in your words.

"I know you're upset, but that doesn't mean you have to take it out on me." Bucky states his brow furrowed in anger.

"Of course not, I'm not allowed to be mad at you for anything, now am I?" You argue making him shake his head and push himself up off the couch.

"I don't know how many times I need to apologize for what my family and I have put you through, but I am trying here. Do you think I want to see my parents in jail? They may be shitty people but they are still my parents. The only reason I am here helping is because they threatened Lily. Lily is happiest when she's with you and Thor, if something were to happen to her smile I would never forgive myself. I just got a chance to be in her life, if I let my mother take her from you," He pauses pain filling his eyes. "She'll never want anything to do with me again." He shakes his head and walks from the room into the kitchen. You glance back at Jess who gives you a look and then returns to her computer.

Letting out a sigh you push the blanket off your arms and standing up follow him. As much as you didn't want to admit it, he was right. In a way anyway. You see him standing over the sink his arms braced on either side of it. You knew he heard you come in and even though he didn't look at you his eyes were on you.

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