Chapter 5 - Our Drama

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"Dot, what the fuck are you doing here?" Bucky asks anger lacing his every word as he pushes himself away from the table.

"I... I just thought... that was her, wasn't it? Your wife?" Dot asks worry and fear filling her emerald eyes.

"Ex-wife," Steve adds anger in his voice as he leans down and picks up the signed divorce papers. "And yeah that was her."

"I... Shouldn't have come." She replies reaching up to run a hand through her hair.

"You're right, you shouldn't have." Bucky says finally meeting her gaze. "You could've just cost me everything."

"What do you mean?" She asks her brows furrowing at him in confusion.

"She almost changed her mind about me meeting my daughter." Bucky spits out making Dot's eyes widen in shock.

"You... You have a daughter?" Dot asks tears threatening her eyes. "Why, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't know until we broke up. Do you realize that now she could take her and run again? Why now, why are you here? We broke up." Bucky adds making Dot look down at the floor.

"I was worried about you." She says gripping tightly to her purse strap. "I know we broke up; but, I can't help but worry about you." She reaches out to touch his arm but he moves out of reach. Her hand falls to her side as her heart sinks. She tries to hide her emotions as she continues. "I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry." Without another word she turns and walks out of the room. Bucky stares at her as she leaves not sure about what he is supposed to do. A part of him wants to go after (Name), another after Dot, and then the rest just wants to climb into a hole and stay there forever.

He runs a hand through this hair as an annoyed groan leaves his lips. He turns back to look at Steve to find his friend sitting on the edge of the table his arms folded over his chest. Bucky walks over and sitting next to him lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't know what to do."

"What do you want to do?" Steve asks his eyes focused on the door dot had left through.

"Honestly," Bucky starts his hands moving to grasp the edge of the table. "I want to go after both of them. I want to go after (Name) and tell her that Dot being here wasn't my fault. That I didn't invite her and that I broke up with her a long time ago; But that wouldn't really mean much to (Name). I saw it in her eyes when she saw Dot. It'd make matters worse."

"That's true." Steve adds making Bucky nod.

"And if I go after Dot, the vicious cycle will just start over and over again. I need to let her go; and she needs to let me go. She's still young, she'll find someone better."

"And Lily?" Steve asks his eyes finally moving over to look at his friend.

"There's nothing in this world I wouldn't give for just a moment with her. It's my fault I've never met her. I want to make things right. For her. I want her to know that although things didn't work out with me and (Name), I still love them; and that will never change."

"Then that's what you tell her. Lily's a smart girl. I only met her the once; but I could tell she was smart." Steve says making Bucky smirk.

"I hope I can be there for her. No matter what happens."


Dot stared at her beer bottle in front of her as her mind flooded with different thoughts. What good had come from her coming all the way over here? She spent money she really didn't have to come after a guy who didn't want her anymore. Letting out a heavy sigh she feels someone come up to stand next to her and she groans inwardly. She didn't need whatever was about to happen right now. She just wanted to sit here and drink her sorrows away in peace. Was that too much to ask?

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