Chapter 6 - Hearing Her Side

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You raise an eyebrow as the limo pulls up outside the Odinson's family winter cottage where Hela normally stays. "What are we doing here?" You ask Thor making him smile softly at you.

"Let's go inside. I already sent Darcy a text saying we'd be late. She said it was okay." Thor says as the driver opens the limo door and he slides out pulling you along with him. After thanking the driver and giving him the rest of the night off, Thor grips your hand tighter and leads you up the stairs and into the cottage.

"What are we doing here Thor?" You ask when he releases your hand to walk over to the fireplace and start a fire.

"What we were talking about earlier, closure." Thor answers and your eyes widen.

"You mean tonight? You're bringing her here?" You ask fear filling your body making your heart race.

"I'm not, no." Thor answers making you narrow your eyes at the back of his head. "Don't give me that look." He adds making you cock an eyebrow at the back of his head.

"How do you know I was giving you a look?" You ask making him chuckle.

"Babe we've been together long enough for me to know when you give me a dirty look behind my back." He answers making you let out a surprised laugh. "Hela's bringing her."

"Are you serious?!" You yell out shocking him slightly making him drop a piece of wood before he turns and narrows his eyes at you.

"Yes, I'm serious; and I'd appreciate it if you didn't yell when I'm trying to light a fire please." He points to the smoldering kindling and you nod apologetically. "Thank you, Hela would kill us both if we burnt her house down."

"I believe it." You reply walking over to sit on the floor in front of the fireplace next to him. "Sorry I yelled." You add and he nods as he starts to place split logs on the fire. "I just wasn't expecting to have to see her so soon. I thought I'd have some time."

"Well, from what I heard about after we left, she wasn't gonna be in town much longer." Thor adds making you raise a brow at him. His eyes meet your momentarily before he lets out a sigh and continues, "From what Hela told me, Bucky basically told her to kick rocks."

"Why would he do that? I thought he wanted to be with her." You ask confusion filling your body.

"I don't know babe. Guess you can ask her when she gets here." Thor concludes and as if it was their cue a light fills the room and you turn back to see Hela's motorcycle pulling into the drive. "Speak of the devil." You push off the floor and quickly make your way into the kitchen where you knew Hela had a few extra bottles of Jack. You needed a drink if you were gonna confront the woman who took everything from you. You find a bottle sitting in the freezer and let out a sigh of relief as you pull it out and reaching up into the cabinet grab a glass.

As the front door opens and you hear the house fill with voices your anxiety starts to go crazy. Without thinking you grab the bottle of jack and twisting the cap off bring the bottle to your lips and gulp down a big gulp. The liquid burning as it slides down your throat. Placing the bottle back on the counter you let out a heavy sigh. You could do this. All you had to do was sit there and listen to what she had to say for herself. That was easy... right.

"I see you found my Whiskey." Hela says from behind you and you nod.

"Yeah, I needed a drink." You reply keeping your eyes focused on the bottle.

"Want me to make it?" She asks and you nod.

"Would you like one as well?" She asks someone else and your blood runs cold.

"Um, yes please." The woman who haunted your dreams answers and you can feel all the assurance you had built up starting to melt away.

"(Name), this is Dolores. I believe you two have some things to discuss?" Hela announces and you nod slowly trying to gather enough courage to turn around.

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