"LIZA! LIZA!" EDMUND said, shaking the girl's shoulder, attempting to wake herEliza's eyes opened slowly, letting them adjust to the light, her siblings were gathering their stuff preparing to get off at the next stop. The girl yawned as she stood up and grabbed her bag from overhead as the train came to a slow stop.

Eliza jumped onto the platform of Coombs Halt, her black shoes creating an echo against the wooden structure. The Pevensie siblings followed, their cases tightly held at their sides, Eliza glanced around at the desolate area, wrinkling her nose at the odd smell which was surrounding the siblings.

The rumble of an engine, came into hearing range and the siblings ran off the platform in excitement, only to see a car coming down the lane. The car let off a few friendly beeps before driving straight passed them. Eliza huffed loudly and rolled her eyes, dropping her case onto the grass.

"Eliza, pick it up." Susan hissed, in frustration as she smoothed out her skirt.

"Eliza, pick it up" the girl mocked in a high-pitched tone, as she reached down to pick her case back up. Susan gritted her teeth as Edmund chuckled lowly, Peter scoffed and turned away from her, making the girl giggle at how much of a mess her siblings were.

"The professor knew we were coming," Susan spoke up after a while, as the five stared at the tracks.

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled." Edmund thought aloud, examining his tag. The sound of hooves, sent the five into alert as they averted their gaze back towards the lane. A white horse trotted towards them, behind it, a woman steering and a wooden cart trailing after. The woman pulled on the reins and stopped the horse in front of the kids.

"Mrs. McCready?" Peter hesitatingly asked, as Eliza raised a brow at her twin, who returned an equally confused face.

"I'm afraid so" The older woman replied, "Is this it then? Haven't you brought anything else?". The siblings looked at each other in mutual confusion, before they all looked down, letting Peter reply.

"No ma'am." Peter answered, his hand tightening on his case, "It's just us."

"Small favors." Mrs. McCready grimaced, she gestured for the kids to hop into the cart. The Pevensies complied, getting into the compact cart. Edmund looked disgusted at the whole ordeal, making Eliza place a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

The girl leaned closer to her twin, "She seems like a real prig." Eliza whispered, making Edmund laugh lowly, earning many looks from the rest of their siblings but the girl merely shrugged at them.

The journey from the platform to the professors house was short enough, but to Eliza it felt like years. The girl was trapped in between Edmund and Peter, who sat in silence while Eliza on the other hand was humming quietly. As the horse pulling them began the ascent up a small hill, Mrs. McCready urged it onwards. Eliza's mouth dropped open at the sight of the massive house they were going to be residing in.

"Edmund, I take back my earlier statement" The girl said in shock, "This is a house of dreams."

"PROFESSOR KIRK IS not accustomed to having children in this house." Mrs. McCready informed the siblings, as the five of them followed the woman into the house, "-And as such, there are a few rules, we need to follow."

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