Act 2: Meet the Deuces

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Yukio sits quietly on his bed, stroking Boni. She purrs lightly. A bandage is wrapped around her leg and across her shoulder. Yukio hums a tune he knows very well, rocking Boni as if she was a baby.

Oh, my lovely Carousel,

show me your secret. 

When the sun rises again, turn me into dust.

Oh, my pitiful body,

changed by the Silver,

would you mind to take me


"Hello?" Yukio answers. Boni's ears perk up, and she stares at the door. A muffled voice come through the heavy metal door.

"It's Blade. Open up!"

Yukio places Boni into her bed gently, covering her with a cloth. He walks over to the door and opens it. Blade is standing there, with others surrounding him. They all greet him at the same time, making Yukio smile.

"Hello," Yukio chimes. "Who are you?"

"These are the other Deuces. They came to meet you!"

"Follow us!" A girl with bright blue hair runs down the hall, waving Yukio over into her room. The other Deuces follow her.

"C'mon," Blade says, smiling. "We don't bite."

Yukio steps into the hall and follows Blade into the girls' room. The walls are painted blue and pink, and a giant stuffed bear sits on her bed. The girl with blue hair sits next to it, crossing her legs.

"It's the newcomer!" She says cheerfully.

"Hey man," a boy with bright yellow hair says. He reaches his fist out for a fist bump, which Yukio does awkwardly. He sits next to Blade on a beanbag cushion in the corner of the room.

"So," Blade begins to the quiet room. "This is Yukio Mitsue. He's from Carnevale, and he's very excited to meet new friends, like you guys! So, who wants to introduce themselves first?"

"Ooh! Pick me, pick me!" the girl with blue hair chimes. Her hand is raised, and she can hardly contain her excitement.

"Okay, go."

"Okay!" She cheers. "My name is Mimi Ikari, but my Deuce name is Aqua. My Element is water and ice, and I love the color blue! I'm happy to meet you, Yukio!"

"It's nice to meet you, too," he says, smiling.

"I'll go next," another girl-or woman- says. "My name is Akira Suzumi-Terra to you. I have the Earth Element. Nice to meet you."

Yukio nods, grinning.

"You're turn, Ventus," Blade says.

"My name is Hayate. H-Hayate Shizuka, I mean... my Element is wind, and I don't like speaking very much... sorry."

"Well," Yukio says cheerfully, "You speak very well. You should do it more often, Hayate."

The older boy turns pink and hides behind his gray hair.

"Hey! My name is Ignis, or Hiruto Namazaki! I control fire!" he shouts obnoxiously.

"That sounds very fun," Yukio calmly says.

"Sup dude," the boy with yellow hair starts. "The name's Zeus. Zeus X. I control lightning, y'know, like Zeus? Anyway, you seem cool."

"Thank you!"

"My name is Yami Ota. The Black Valkyrie. I control Shadow."

"I see," Yukio replies.

The girl glares at him, and turns away.

Silver Carousel: Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now