Act 1: The Deuce and the Maid

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"I'm not wearing that."

"C'mon, it's just a skirt, you're already wearing one-"

"Screw off! I said no!"

"I'm not paying you for this!"

Blade and Lilia were in the mess hall, arguing over the fact that Lilia was supposed to be Blade's maid, but was a lot  feistier than she seemed.

"You don't have to do anything! Just get in the outfit!"

"What's the point, then?!"

A few of the performers in the mess hall snickered, but some were seriously afraid.

"We're gonna get roped into this, I know it," one of the performers said.

"Yeah. What a maid. I mean, she's arguing with one of the most badass Deuces in there! She's gotta be scary!"

"Everyone else has a maid! I want one too! You'll get good money, I-"


"Lilia, wait-"

Suddenly, a horrible ripping sound came from the back room. And then an even worse scream.

Lilia burst through the door in nothing but her panties and a tank top. She looked around at the blushing performers and ran into the hallway, still screaming and covering her underwear.

Blade came through the door next, panting, and hair wild. In his hand was Lilia's torn skirt, her leather belt hanging by a thread. He looked around, and ran after Lilia.




Lilia rushes into a stall and locks the door.

"Do you know how embarrassing that was?!"

"I told you to put it on yourself!"
"I'm not being your stupid maid! Leave me alone!"

"What  is going on in here?"

Honoka walks into the restroom, arms crossed.

"Lilia didn't want to put the outfit on and flipped out," Blade says.

"You pulled my skirt down, liar!"

"How else was I gonna get it on you?"

"I can put it on myself!"

"Then do it!"


"Stop bickering, both of you," Honoka yells. She takes the maiden's outfit from Blade and slips it under the stall door.

"It's mandatory that any female staying here who isn't a performer is a maid. Regular maids get paid less than Deuce's maids, so I would take up his offer, Lilia."

Lilia sighs and puts it on.

A few minutes later, she opens the stall door in a full maiden's outfit, dress, shoes, headband, and all. Her face turns bright red.

"You look good," Blade says.

"Shut up."

"As a maid," Honoka tells her, "You have to follow all orders given to you. But as a Deuce's maid, you only have to follow Blade's orders."

"What if there sexual?"


"So? No one's watching you!"

"The requests can be in that manner, but you don't have to follow those ones. You have to confirm that request with one of us."


Lilia starts to laugh, and Honoka sees why- Blade is turning bright red.

"What's wrong, Blade?" Honoka says and starts to laugh, too.

"Shut up! I could kill both of you if I wanted!"

"After the fight to get Lilia in that outfit, I doubt it," Honoka says, practically dying of laughter. "Oh man, I gotta tell Mina," she laughs and walks out.

Blade and Lilia look at each other. Lilia snorts.


"Nothing, nothing. What's my first job?"

Blade smirks.

"How good of a seamstress are you?"

"I make my mom entire outfits. Why?"



"The Jestare Extravaganza is coming up. Everyone from everywhere is coming. And I wear the same outfit every year! It sucks, and I never had the money or a maid to make me a new one, like the other performers did. I just want a super cool outfit to wear to the Extravaganza."

"I think I can help. It'll cost you, though."

"I know! You're getting paid either way!"

"You know, after being with you behind the scenes, you are just an obnoxious little kid."

"Whatever. I'm the youngest Deuce here, So I always get babied. Not this year. I'm gonna win the Extravaganza! And you're gonna help me!"

"Whatever," Lilia groans and walks away.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"To the mess hall. I'm starving!"

Damn. I've never met any girl so feisty. Whatever.

I kinda like it.

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