Violet and Steve smiled at one another hoping that one day they would be in the right position and they would have the right timing, but they both knew the chances were slim. So they just sat in diligence enjoying the last moments of bliss... well that was until reason number four interrupted the peace- the loud roar of Billy's camero flooded their ears causing Violets heart to stop beating. She wasn't ready for this but it was now or never- she was going to see him at some point. Turning to Steve who noticed her changed mood she said her goodbyes and hopped out of the car immediately feeling eyes burning on her. She decided to not be a coward and meet the suspected gaze of Billy Hargrove who was leant up again this car, cigarette in hand whilst enviously watching Violet swoop out of Steve Harrington's car. She only held his gaze for a few seconds not wanting to look at him after what he did. Billy was determined to put a end to this 'war' the two of them were currently in because in all truth he missed Violet's spark. Things just didn't feel the same knowing that she hated him- but he was going to change that. So as Violet took off into the school he made sure to keep up with her eventually catching up with her and gently pulling on her arm so she stopped. She span around and yet again they were face to face. Billy had some heartfelt speech/apology he was going to make but it somehow managed to get lost as he put his cheeky bad boy performance on
"you planning on ignoring me forever sparky?" He said a cocky smile on his face. Violet just stood there; still and silent. She had nothing to say to him. Did he really think that he could just flash his signature smirk and all would be okay and forgiven? That Violet would forget about all the crappy things he did? No. Violet yanked her arm out of his grip with a cold emotionless look on her face.
"I don't want you near me. I don't want to look at you. I don't want to speak to you. After what you did: almost killing Steve, hurting and threatening Lucas Sinclair- you are dead to me. Everything we had and might of had is gone. So in conclusion I want you to leave me alone and never ever speak to me again got it?" She was cold and callous as she spoke the bitter words that made Billy's stomach scrunch up knocking him sick. Billy tried to search for any part in her that might of thought he was able to redeem himself that he was salvageable; but there was non. So he slowly let he go and in a wink of a eye she was gone and she wasn't coming back...


The day had been slow and thankfully Violet had managed to skip Biology claiming she ate something dodgy at lunch so wasn't up for going to that class meaning she didn't have to present her Biology project with Billy. Steve had practice after school today and due to her injury's from that night Violet had to take a week off cheerleading so that left her stuck behind at school for a hour- well that was until she found Max in a fit of anger huffing and puffing.
"Max?" Violet shouted from across the car park walking up to the little red head.
"Hey Vi any chance your walking home?" She questioned/ sort of begged.
"No... but I am now so let me just tell Steve and I'll be back in a minute."

Violet quickly ran to the gym to find Steve who was thriving at basketball because Billy appeared to not be at practice today
"Steve" Violet shouted from the side lines like Nancy Wheeler once did. Soon enough all eyes were on her and she awkwardly waves Steve over with a small smile on her face letting him know that she want about to go off on him like Nancy Wheeler once again did. All the boys oooooed as Steve retreated of the court and to Violet's side.
"Hey sorry to disturb your practice but I'm just going to go home now- I'm walking with Max"
"Are you sure? You both can wait and I'll drop both of you off? It's not trouble really" Steve said swear glistening off his forehead
"No no it's fine- plus it will be nice to catch up with her I've not seen her since ... you know" Violet whispered the last part.
"Hmmm" Steve hummed in response "see you in the morning" he smiled running back on to the court. Single Steve was like a new king of Steve. He much more refreshing and happier. Violet smiled at this new Steve as she watched him make a basket. She gave him a small clap and turned around noticing a bunch of cheerleaders staring at her. Not that she really cared about the rest of them staring but the fact that Jane was giving her the evils- that was yet another ring that Violet had to sort out but now was not the time so she just ignored the stares and walked back outside to where Max was waiting.

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