Chapter One

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     "Listen." The sound of heels echos through the office, as they hit the cold floor underneath them. "I don't know if it is because I am a woman or my last name." She sits in a chair that is far too high for her. "But, I am one of the most powerful women in not only this city, or the country, but the world. Scratch that, people, most powerful people." She leans back, putting emphasis on the word people. "So, you will have this issue fixed in the next forty-five hours from the time this call ends, or the deal is off. Your time starts now." She says, hanging up and taking a sip from her water, turning to the large windows behind her, showing off a beautiful view of the city below, with colors of orange and yellow, of the early morning sun.

     "Rao, you sound like you're Mother.." A voice comes from the door, causing the girl to turn. She sees Kara Danvers, standing at the doorway of her office. "I mean, the whole 'most powerful woman in the world' thing, that was great." She smiles, walking to the other.

     "What can I say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." She stands, and walks over to the reporter. "What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you." They hug.

     "Well." They release, and Kara crosses her arms. "I woke up to make you the annual Danvers' Family birthday breakfast, but you were already gone."

     "Birthday? What are you talking about?" The girl furrows her eyebrows, moving to her desk where her cell phone currently sits.

     "Well, it is September 5th, the day you were born. That makes it a birthday."

     The girl looks at the date displayed on the phone, seeing that yes, it is indeed, September 5th, her birthday."Oh, it is." She frowns. I should have set a reminder she thinks to herself.

     "Well, lets go." Kara says, taking the girl by her arm, and grabbing their purses on the way out.

     "Wait, no I can't" She tugs out of the Kryptonians strong -but not super strength- grip."I have meetings all day. As well as an enormous issue, which is obvious by the phone call that you so rudely listened in on." She crosses her arms.

     "Okay first off." Kara puts up a finger. "I did not fully listen in. No super-hearing, I promise. Second off, I had your new assistant cancel all of them."

     "Her name is Taylen. And you can't do that. I am the CEO, I am busy."

     "Sweetie, you work 6 days a week, 10 hour days. You deserve a day off." Kara puts her hands on the shorter girl's shoulders. "And besides, you are 17, I can do it." She winks.

     "Fine. But, I am coming into work tomorrow." She snatches her bag from Kara, who is now bouncing with glee as they walk out of the office. "Taylen, can you please arrange what should have been today's meetings throughout the next week?" She asks, passing her assistant's desk.

     "Yes, no worries." The young girl starts typing on her computer. "Also, happy birthday." She smiles

     "Thank you Taylen. You may go home once you are one here done. And, have a good day." She smiles as they walk out.


     "Surprise!" Is yelled the instant they walked through the apartment door.

     "Hey everyone." The girl waves casually.

     "What? How did you know?" Kara asks, making her eyebrow come together, causing her iconic crinkle.

     "I told you, Darling." Lena Luthor says, walking over to her wife. "She is a Luthor, we are smart." She puts her arm around the Super's waist.

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