the secret

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Melanie's POV 

When he said those words , the memories came flooding back. I remember that night so clearly , me and my friend David where walking home from the restaurant we just had dinner and we decided to take the long way home when this man came up to us and started talking. It was too dark to see his face, when all of a sudden he grabbed David and sucked his blood.When the man finished I finally saw who it was , it was Anthony.

"Why did you do that ! " i screamed in Anthony's face.

"Wait so Anthony ... you were that man they showed on the news and you're a vampire ?" Kalel asked. 

Everybody's eyes were on Anthony.He just looked at me, wanting to say some thing but nothing coming out, he looked at his feet then looking back and nodded.I was looking round the room when i saw a knife, i had a great idea.


"Yeah ?" He said back almost immediately.

All eyes where on me as i picked up the knife, I walk over to Anthony. He didn't even look scared.

"Remember the night you killed David.. when I said I would kill you?" I asked while grinning.

i turned to everybody else sitting on the sofa.They all looked scared especially Ian and Kalel. I turned back to Anthony then said "Why don't we put words into action?" I didn't give him time to answer, i just stuck the knife in his stomach.I could hear Kalel squeal behind me but Anthony didn't even flinch.

Anthonys POV 

Melanie stuck the knife right into my stomach, It never hurt me because i was already dead.Kalel push Melanie out the way and all the crew came running to me, I just pulled the knife out while i asked Melanie


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