Insecurities Suck *Chapter 10*

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When you got back to the house Jack said that Mark had left to go spend some time with his family so it was just you two for the week until he got back. This gave you plenty of time to try to figure out how to go about your days without being a complete mess and how to work around your injuries. The good thing is you have a office type job you have to go to and you can just work straight from your bedroom. So Jack had business errands to run so you decided to be a tough cookie and work through the pain getting all your crap you accumulated in the hospital in a neat place. You were dancing around your room to some throw back hits, screaming lyrics at the top of your lungs.

Sounding like a dying whale you kept singing because it made you happy and made the time fly. When you turned around to put a shirt in your closet you saw Sean I your doorway laughing at you. "What's so funny?" You asked him reaching up to hang your shirt. "Oh nothing is funny my dear. Though I will say you look super cute without pants." He winked at you an continued down the hallway. "What?!" you said confused and embarrassed. You looked down and sure enough you forgot that you put your pants in the washer and forgot to put new ones on. "Well shit!" you said putting on a skirt.

"Hey forget about what you just saw!!!!" You yelled down the hallway blushing. "Sureeeeeee" Sean yelled back. "So are you ready for some company or do you need some more alone time." He said in a joking manner. "If your referring to if I am wearing pants, YES I am. Now if I want company that's debatable." you said starting to clean up again. "Aweee so you don't to see me." He said appearing in your doorway aging. "Well what do you want to do then." You said thinking about the fact your crush just saw you HALF FREAKING NAKED. You were thankful that it was Sean and not Mark.

Starting to overthink about your body and going deeper in thought you totally forgot about Sean being in your doorway as you sat there thinking about how self conscious you were about your body before hand and now all these scars and burns did not help boost your confidence. "Thanks God." you mumbled under your breath holding back tears. "How will I ever wear a crop top again, or shorts?" You said aloud to yourself. "Now I'm ugly forever and there's nothing I can do about it." You said starting to cry.

Sean sat down in front of you "(Y/N) you ARE beautiful." he said holding your hand. "You're only saying that to make me feel better, you don't mean it!" You said through a frustrated burning in your throat trying to stop the waterworks before you start sobbing. "I am not a liar!" He protest. "I mean it when I say you're beautiful. When I first saw you I thought you were so beautiful and was so excited to get to know you. I was nervous to meet you because I wasn't expecting you to look as good as you do. " he said holding you. "Y-Yo-You mean it?" you said looking at him starting to wipe away tears. "Yes (Y/N) he said chuckling. "Now get up off of the floor." He said grabbing your hand and lifting you up into a hug.

As you sat there arms wrapped around him your heart started beating so fast it felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. You sat there breathing in the sweet smell of his clothing enjoying this intimate moment with him.
Just the two of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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