Start from the beginning

Sarah wanted to cry.

She panicked as the heart-monitor beside the bed started to beep faster at her distress. Dread filled her as the room suddenly fell into silence, being broken by the actor for Sheriff Stilinski's next words.

"Well, it seems that our guest is finally awake." The man's voice stated.

Sarah's body tensed in alarm. She let out a shaky sigh and opened her eyes, turning her head towards the two adults in the room.

The actress for Melissa gave her a look of pity, while the actor for the Sheriff crossed his arms and gave her a firm look.

"Now," The older man started out in a stern voice, "Let's try this again, shall we?"

The blond-haired teenager glanced down at the restraints around her wrists, before sinking back into the bed in defeat. She raised her gaze towards the ceiling, willing the two adults to go away in her mind.

They didn't.

"So, now that we've all had a chance to catch our breath, would you mind telling me your name now, kid?" The self-proclaimed Sheriff asked her seriously. He paused as Sarah just continued to stare up at the ceiling. The man sighed and then glanced towards the actress for Melissa for help.

The older woman stepped forward towards Sarah's bed. "Honey, we just want to help you, okay? Please tell us your name." she asked, while peering down at Sarah.

The room was silent for a moment.

Sarah finally sighed, looking towards the actress again, before giving in.

"Sarah. My name is Sarah Williams." she said to the actress, watching as a relived smile bloomed across the older woman's face.

Sarah couldn't help but feel bad at how she had acted around the actress earlier on in the day. The woman seemed nice enough for a crazy person.

The young girl frowned, instantly crushing that thought. What was she, feeling bad for her kidnappers now?

"Thank you," The actress for Melissa started, "Now, can you tell us—"

"Can you take these off now?" Sarah cut the woman off, pulling on the restraints for emphasis.

She watched as the older woman paused, glancing at the actor for the Sheriff with hesitation.

"I'm not sure if that's the best idea." The self-proclaimed nurse told her uncertainly.

The calmness that had washed over Sarah suddenly vanished. She started to tug at her restraints with growing force, becoming tired of playing into the woman's delusions.

"That's it! I'm done dealing with this shit! Get me the hell out of this thing right now!" Sarah shouted at the top of her lungs, yanking her arms violently around in the restraints. She started to thrash her body around in the bed as the actress for Melissa tried to hold her down. "This isn't a freaking hospital and you're not a goddamn nurse!" Sarah screamed up at the actress.

"Sarah, just calm down—" The woman tried to say over the girls thrashing, before being cut off.

"Melissa, I think it might it might be best to call—"

"Noah, I know you're the Sheriff and all, but I think I can handle this." The actress snapped in frustration. The woman frowned down at the still wildly thrashing teenager, who had only seemed to become more furious at her words.

"Would you fucking stop it?" Sarah yelled out in outrage. She glared up at the woman while she continued to struggle frantically to escape. "He's not the fucking Sheriff, okay? You're not a fucking nurse! None of that shit is real!" Her wrists were beginning to burn in pain at her violent struggles.

THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT || STILES STILINSKI (1)Where stories live. Discover now