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Chapter 2


''Can you stop talking and walk please?, this sun isn't friendly''

''Hey bro, can you stop whining like a little baby and hold on a sec?''. My friend Henry Sam said.

He was so busy talking to a girl he liked but couldn't ask out. I had to go under a mango tree to wait for him.

I thought you would follow her home, I said angrily.

Wow........who's that?

Oh......Blaire stone, just keep walking know her?

Not really, I think I know her from home. I might be mistaking tho.

What, I know that look, hell no. What do you want me to tell her. Hey, you're Blaire right, I think I know you from home.

What I told Henry was the exact opposite of what I was thinking about in the inside. She looked to serious and like a snub, rude kind of girl but extremely pretty.

I finally got the courage to walk up to her, but it looked like she was in a hurry.

She stopped. I got closer to her but she began walking again, I decided to stand there.

All of a sudden the burning sun felt like it was snowing. I couldn't see anything else except her.

Oh she's out..

Her friend passed by first and there she was with a beautiful, killer smile and her long natural hair. How can someone be so damn beautiful

Hey excuse me

She turned and looked at me, I or my friend? she asked.

She stopped smiling immediately. I told her everything about knowing her, surprisingly I didn't received a slap.

I politely asked for phone number, which she hesitated before giving. I told her i needed the number to know her better and if she's the same person I know.

I don't know if that's the actual reason I asked for the number or something else.

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