"No, you're too young and none of us want you to get hurt" Caspian frowned, he wouldn't get hurt, he's a strong boy.
          "Won't get huwt, m'pwomise" Lori smiled but she knew she had to keep the little boy safe from the walkers.

Caspian watched as Rick ran up to the door and started screaming things, it was scary because he didn't like people screaming.

The little boy started to cry loudly attracting the attention of the walkers, Lori mumbled under her breathe and picked up Caspian.
          "Shhh baby it'll be okay, your daddy's just helping to keep us safe" Caspian buried his face into Lori's neck, he just wanted his daddy.


The group had managed to get inside, a man named Edwin Jenner had let them in, he made them take tests and gave them dinner. Now he was showing them where they would be sleeping.

          "Now there's an arcade but make sure to not turn it on, same with the hot water don't use to much of it" Glenn sighed happily.
          "Hot water?" He couldn't remember the last time he had taken a shower, T-dog nodded his head.

          "That's what the man said" and with that everyone went off to their own rooms, Caspian would obviously be sharing a room with Glenn.

          "Wanna go take a nice shower buddy?" Glenn asked picking up Caspian, the little boy nodded his head not knowing what a shower actually was. The man walked down the hallway into an empty room and set down their stuff.

          "Can you go wait in the bathroom for me?" Caspian nodded and ran into the bathroom. Glenn opened up their bags and grabbed some pjs for the both of them before joining Caspian in the bathroom.

          "Okay, lets get undressed first" Glenn knelt down to Caspian's height, he unbuckled the overalls and helped the boy step out of it. Glenn gently pulled the shirt off of the boy before laying him down on the ground.

          "I'm gonna take off your diaper okay?" Caspian nodded and looked away.
After the diaper was off and disposed of the shower was turned on next.

          "Can you get in and wait for me?" Cas nodded and walked into the shower.
Glenn undressed and threw his clothes to the side before joining the little boy in the shower.
          "Is this your first time taking a shower?" The boy nodded, he's never ever seen anything like this before.


"Okay all clean, I need to go get you your pyjamas" Glenn left the room leaving Caspian by himself for a couple of seconds.
          "Here space pyjamas" Glenn held up the clothes, presenting them to Caspian.

          "I try?" He asked looking at the pjs, Glenn nodded and handed them to him, Cas pulled the pants on but his arms got stuck in the shirt hole.
"Help?" Glenn nodded and moved around the shirt till it fit perfectly.

"There we go, nice and warm," Caspian ran out of the bathroom and sat on the couch swinging his little legs back and forth. Glenn pulled on some pants and a shirt before leaving the bathroom.

"Do you want to go say goodnight to everyone before you go to sleep?" The little boy nodded and ran out into the hallway shouting goodnight into everyone's room.

He stopped at the Grimes room and walked in, Rick noticed him and picked him up.
"Are you going to sleep?" Cas nodded and kissed Rick on the cheek which is something he's never done before.

"Thank you buddy, Carl's in the game room if you want to say goodnight to him," Rick placed the boy in the floor and watched as he ran off. Caspian ran over Carl and tackled him into a hug.

"I go to sleep now," he kissed Carl on the cheek before running off to find Shane and Daryl. Daryl was in his room, it looked like he just came out of the shower because his hair was still wet and he didn't have a shirt on.

"Hug?" Caspian asked innocently looking up at the man with a pouty lip, Daryl nodded and picked him up. Cas kisses Daryl on the cheek and squeezed him tightly.

"I go to sleep now," Daryl let him down gently and watched as he ran away.
Lastly Shane was sitting in his room getting his bed ready.
"Nigh nigh hug?" Caspian asked holding his arms up, Shane turned around and knelt down to the boy's height.

"Goodnight buddy, sweet dreams," Cas kissed Shane on the cheek and wiggles out of the hug before running off.
Glenn was in their room still getting stuff ready for bedtime.

"Did you say goodnight to everyone?" Caspian nodded and ran over to Glenn. They were both gonna sleep on the floor because Glenn knew that Caspian wouldn't want to be alone.

"Get under the covers," the boy wiggled under the blankets and waited for Glenn to join him. When he did Caspian rolled over and kissed Glenn on the forehead too.
"I wuv you," he mumbled tiredly, Glenn smiled and pulled the boy into his arms.

"I love you too buddy,"

Caspian has eight outfits which I will continue to use throughout his toddler years. Two pjs and six everyday wear.

All the outfits I am using are from pat pat.

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