"One of the other residences, in the mountains. I want to leave tonight so the car needs to be ready"

"Of course."

"I need you there too, you're both part of my new little... scheme... should we call it?" The Joker cackled, his sudden seriousness dissipating once again. It was always like this, the battle between 'Dr Jekyll' and 'Mr Hyde' was a constant thing for him, his temperament was always changing.

"So you like this Princess then?" Aleksei questioned. This was unusual for the Joker, usually nothing would get in the way of his plans, especially a woman and that separated most criminals from the Joker alone.

"Atatata, careful" he warned, and Aleksei knew he was treading on thin ice. Asking about personal life was a touchy subject and something he hated talking about.

The Joker was in a good mood this time so proceeded to talk but avoided the original question slightly, "She...she seems to suffering from some kind of memory issues"

"What do you mean boss?"

"Well she can't remember anything. I can tell her anything at all and she believes me. She thinks she's in love with me...Ha! The dumb bitch even asked if i was her husband" he hysterically laughed at the idea.

Aleksei uncomfortably laughed with him, "Maybe she's developed some severe case of Stockholm Syndrome?"

"No, it's something else. Like some kind of drug. Her body is rejecting something, she's already collapsed and vomited....and her mind is under an influence...she has no idea who the fuck I am." he chuckled.

"It could be useful though, if i use it to my advantage..." The Joker spoke with little empathy in his voice, his tone was almost teasing instead. He sat back in his seat and crossed his feet up on the table, folding his arms.

"What drug? do you know?" Aleksei frowned. Deep down, he was a little concerned. He knew what the Joker was like, and the girl- she was barely an adult. Maybe 19 years old ...

"Ohh i don't know. But i need to get some more of that stuff. I have no idea how long it's gonna last" he clenched his jaw.

"And do you have a plan yet boss?"

The Joker laughed again, "In good time, in good time...that's where you come in my boy"

Aleksei visibly gulped, making the Joker laugh even harder. Some of the men in the club flinched as they heard their boss laugh. It was chilling, even if it was good intentions, as it was the same laugh he used when he killed his victims. The Joker slipped his legs off the table and stood, "Get the car ready"

He then span on his heel, and left the club.Soon enough he was back up in the bedroom. The Princess had not moved from her position and the Joker stopped to watch her for a couple seconds. So peaceful. He gave her a rough shove and she frowned, disturbed from her sleep. Her skin was still pale and her eyes were ashy, visibly telling him she was still very ill. But the Joker had little sympathy, he needed her to co-operate with what he wanted.

"W-what time is it?" she groaned, lifting her head then wincing in pain.

"11pm" The Joker responded bluntly, then flashed a huge grin, baring his metal teeth. He obviously found this kind of thing amusing.

"What's happening?" she asked quietly.

"We're going for a little drive" He scooped her out of bed and stood her up. Her eyes were half open with tiredness and she let out a huge yawn, rubbing her eyes.

"Where are we going?" she muttered sleepily, watching him with mild interest as he rifled through his closet and pulled out one of his shirts. He slipped her arms through the sleeves then knelt down to button her up. His shirt was huge on her and fitted like a dress over her little frame.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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