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Scar's Pov.

Stayin in the cave till the pups are born is gonna be horrible! There's literally nothin to do in here but sleep and look out at the territory.

Thunder still looks angry, so I hope he goes away soon. Him being angry is not something I like or like dealin with.

"I'm going to go patrol." He says before turnin around and walkin away. Hallelujah! I watch as he walks away, then I sit in the very front of the cave and look out at the snowy world.

The snow is beautiful but very cold. I really want to go out on pack rock, but no, I must stay in the cave till the pups are born. This is horrible!

As I sit at the very front of the cave, I notice movement off to the left of me. Out of the corner of my eye I see a snow bank movin? No, that's a wolf.

Must be my new guard, ugh! I should be nice though, I want the pack to like me. "Hello!" I greet the wolf.

The wolf grins evilly at me, then before I can even process what's happenin the wolf lunges and wallops me on the head.

The last thing I see before slippin off into the darkness was the wolf evilly grinnin down at me.

Narrator speaking here!

The white wolf grabs Scar by the scruff and starts dragging her through the snow. The snow is hard and doesn't leave drag marks as Scar is drug across the territory.

Once the two got to the edge of the territory the white wolf drops Scar and quickly looks around.

Seeing that the coast was clear the wolf grabs Scar and continues dragging her unconscious body.

After a few hours Scar starts to regain consciousness, but as soon as she opens her eyes the stupid, evil white wolf wallops her on the head again and she's out cold once again.

The wolf was getting annoyed, she wanted to be rid of Scar already. Why did the enemy territory have to be so far?

The white she-wolf finally got Scar's unconscious body to the enemy territory, sense the she-wolf knew how the enemy's patrolling works she easily slips in with Scar.

Now the white wolf was being even more cautious, she did not want to be caught and executed, she wants Scar to be caught and executed.

Her eyes scan the snowy forest and land on just what she was looking for, the tree den. She drags Scar over to the tree den.

Then she carefully lined Scar up with the tunnel, then she shoves Scar down the tunnel and crawls in after her.

I don't know how the hell she did it, but she managed to tie some roots around Scar's leg, keeping her from running away once she awakes.

It didn't take long for Scar to awake. As soon as her eyes land on the white she-wolf she snarls at her.

Scar tries to stand up so she can attack the white wolf, but she can't. "What the hell?" She asks while looking at the root that's tied around her leg.

"You coward!" Scar snarls. The white demon only smirks. "Now with you out of the picture, Thunder will mine. I will comfort him and he'll soon figure out that I'm better than you."

Scar's fuming, she wants to rip the white demon a new one. But, she can't. "Thunder won't go for you, he's mine. He loves me and I love him!" Scar growls.

Now it clicked, Scar just realized she loves Thunder. Sometime he can be not so tolerable but she still loves him.

"Ahahaha! He doesn't love you, why just the other day we made love and I was in heat. So ya know, ya." The she-wolf winks.

"You're lying!" Scar growls, she just couldn't believe that Thunder would do that to her. Only the author, me the narrator, this wolf, and Thunder know the truth and apparently I ain't supposed to tell you, so you'll just have to go with your gut instinct on if Thunder cheated or not.

"No, I'm not lying. We did and soon enough we'll have our little pups." The evil she-wolf grins.

On the other side of the enemy territory, a male wolf puts his nose to the ground and takes a deep breath.

"Trespasser!" He howls loudly before starting to track the scent. The male wolf ran at a lightning fast pace as he tracks the scents.

His pack did not take trespassers lightly, and these trespassers will be killed as soon as he finds them.

Now back to Scar and that white wolf.

"Well darling that is my cue to leave. Don't worry, I'll tell Thunder you ran away!" The white wolf winks before skee daddling outta the den.

Scar starts to chew on the root, trying to break free so she could return home, wherever home is.

As Scar's chewing on the root the male wolf came upon the tree den. He takes a deep breath of the crisp wintery air and gets hit with a strongly familiar scent.

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