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Narrator speaking here!

Scar was in pain, constant pain. The fall from the rock had severely bruised her ribs and I don't know how, but the fall didn't break any of her bones.

Thunder was fearful, fearful that his beloved mate would die and she could die. The fall would have killed her instantaneously if there hadn't been any snow.

Thunder was fearful and scared, those words pretty much mean the same thing but still, he was fearful and scared.

The next morning the sun rose slowly in the sky, and as soon as he woke up he was checking to see if Scar was still breathing.

Luckily she was still steadily breathing and she hadn't walked into the light yet.

Thunder's Pov.

I'm so happy that she's still alive, and I can't lose her. I can't help but stare at her as she sleeps, she's beautiful.

I watch with happiness as her eyelids flutter open. Her eyes look up and meet mine, then she weakly smiles at me.

"I'm still alive." She laughs, well more like coughs out. "And I'm happy that you're alive." I grin down at her before giving the top of her head a lick.

Sorry y'all but we're gonna fast forward some, I know I know, you wanna find out what happened next but we're fast forwarding.

So fast forward to one week later.

"Twenty seven more days till they're born." I grin at her. "Mhm hmm." She grunts at me.

"And by then you should be all healed up and ready for motherhood." I hope she's all healed up by then, cause if she ain't, I could lose her or the pups or both.

"I'm already healed up." "Not enough yet, you need to heal up more." I explain to her.

"It only hurts if I talk way to much, I can run and walk fine though. Hell, I should go for a run right now." She tells me while slipping out from under the pelt and standing up.

"That just proves my point, you aren't healed up all the way yet and no way are you going for a run." My protective side is starting to come out, which is kinda good but kinda bad at the same time. Then I stand up to my full height, the pelt slipping off of my back.

"But..." She starts to say but I cut her off. "Silence! You are not doing anything but staying in the cave!" I growl.

I watch as she cringes away and looks nervously at the ground. I don't regret growling at her, she needs to know her place.

She can only boss me around so many times before I will snap and do something I'll regret later, so if I put her in her place now I shouldn't have to worry about snapping.

I watch as she takes a deep breath and looks back up at me. "Sorry Alpha." Again with the apologizing?

It's so annoying when she apologizes, cause you can see she doesn't ever mean it and she is not the type to apologize.

"So then I assume you understand that you'll be staying in this cave till the pups are born?"

I can see that tiny bit of fear turn into unhappiness. "Ya." She scowls at me. Oh I can tell she ain't happy with me at the moment, but her staying in the cave is the best thing for her and the pups.

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