Trials (Part 1)

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Ouch, my head. Dang Devil, Wait! CUPHEAD!! Y/N!!! I sat up in a particularly familiar room, my head feeling like it's been filled with hell - it burned! In front of me was blackness but behind me was the light. Is that what heaven looks like? "Mugman." That voice. "Freaken Devil!" I screamed into the darkness, "What have you done to them!? What have you done to Cuphead!!" The Devil laughed at me, making me bare my teeth. "You really naïve, foolish Mug! He's not your brother no more and I'm giving you a choice; leave now and be free of my grasp forever BUT you leave your brother OR..." Snap. His fingers echoed and in the darkness stood my brother. "...Give your own soul for your brother. He's made an easy decision, saving your soul for his, as you can see. And now it's your turn." "What about Y/N!! My friend!! What happens to them!!??" He was black mailing me, I could sense it in his voice. Once I go for Cuphead, he'll catch me and turn me into one of his slaves. "It's simple, young Mug. You save your brother but lose your soul or take the chance to escape me, there's nothing in the deal about... Y/N." That Sicko! "Devil you coward!! I'll fight you!! And if I lose, you take me AND Cups but if you lose... you'll lose the both of us." There was silence. "You freak!! Answer me!!" The ground rumbled and the light faded into the dark. A hand touched my shoulder and I saw Him. "C-Cuphead!!??" I saw more closely and he had a collar in his hands. "DEVIL!! I SAID YOU WILL FIGHT ME!!" I screamed, receiving a punch in the face. "Haha! You talk too much you fragile inferior!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he was my brother. An equal - even how he made me feel. "Cuphead! Snap out of it!" He cornered me with the collar near my neck. If I'm going down, I won't go down not trying!

Arg, where did I go? I-Is this snow? Around me was the familiar cold touch of snow and once my vision cleared, I saw wooden houses. No. It can't be!! This has to be a dream!! "Welcome to S-Snowdin..." I stuttered, almost wanting to lie back down and die before my Eevee rubbed onto my arm. "Oh! At least, you're here-" "CU CU BONE!!? (WHAT ABOUT ME!!?)" I stared at the Cubone in the snow, head down, tail up. That made me laugh, "Cubone, get outta there buddy. Don't cha know how to teleport?" "Cu! Bone bone Cubone! (Yeah! But not like this!)" Snow fell on my Eevee's nose making him jump and laugh when a sudden bright blue glow appeared. The light faded and a light blue looking Eevee appeared from the light, "Glace-Glaceon!" He came near Cubone and picked him up, making him blush a bit, "C-CU BONE!! (N-NOT FAIR!!!)" We all laughed when suddenly the sky changed to a dark grey and I saw everyone, but they were all... DYING!!? "No no no!! Papy!" I jumped up and teleported to my usual spot, seeing him standing, alive. I sighed, just for that dream to die in front of me... Like always. That Devilish voice laughed, "Always caring for everyone, aye Skeleton?" I knew enough of this weirdo to know he's bad news, "What do you want, black fluffy goat thingy?" "IT'S DEVIL, THE DEVIL!!" "Yeah, yeah. What do you want with me? Where's Y/N and what happened to my bro!? (I've dealt with enough devils - Bendy was a handful)" He laughed once more, making Glaceon growl. "You want to know where you are? Where Y/N is? What happened to EVERYONE in your world? Fine "Judge", judge me thoroughly~ I DARE YOU!" In a flash, I saw that I was teleported agents my own will to the Judgement hall and he wasn't kidding when said he said I would be judging someone. "Y-Y/N!?" There they were standing with emotionless eyes, "kid, I'm not going to fight you." They struck - I wasn't able to teleport. Shoot! I ran as fast as I could, just dodging the attack. They weren't serious about killing me?! - I only could move as fast thanks to the 'extra exercise'. My soul felt weird like my true self was coming out, I saw pixels devouring my vision and when I looked to my hands I saw what happened - That illusion got me. A red and black bracelet was wrapped tightly around my Carpals. heh... I'm sorry Y/N. I failed you. I fell into the darkness unable to see a light. Someone help me! Please!...

COOOL!!! A REAL DEVIL!!! I felt something spikey on my back side and when I looked back there was a tail! An actual tail!! It looked like a spear and was sharp to touch. "Heya, Mr Devil? This is cool and all that you give me such gifts to a demon but I really must find my friends." "Friends? Ha!" Mr Devil spat at me, "Who needs friends, when you have power?!" A black void appeared and in it HE came. "Hiya, I'm -" "Bendy the dancing Demon! It's nice to meet you." He bowed genuinely and smiled his toothy grin but I was a mere Cartoon, what did he want from ME?! Suddenly he disappeared, appearing behind me and brushed his tail near my throat. "I've watched your shows, listened to your songs and watched... How. You. Turned... On THEM! Ah, that precious Alice Angle~!" My smile faded, "I-I didn't mean that! I-I was out of my mind then! Full of -" "Anger, desperation, sadness? That's all my friends, THE SINS. Now, I want you to be my new right hand man! Join me Bendy." Something felt wrong. I would have taken it on the spot - Working for THE Devil was a demon's dream - but after meeting Y/N, they changed how I looked at things. "What's the catch?" I smirked, leaning on the wall, "There is always one in a devil's work, am I right or aren't you THE DEVIL, ruler of the Hell's casino?~" My tail wagged making me look more mischievous. Before he spoke, I interrupted him, "And also, what happened to King Dice? Your old lackey?" He's smile widened as I felt the ground shake, "I was hoping you were going to say something like that." Before I could react, a giant hand grabbed me from behind, looking back... It was Him - King Dice. "D-Devil!?" I questioned, chocking on how hard Dicey was grabbing me. "D-Didn't you w-want my help?! hehe, c-come on?!" His face was close to mine, too close for comfort. Those red eyes staring into me, "I'll need to do some... 'preparations' to you first." Ink started to flow down my face and I felt myself become stronger - YESS!! THE DEVIL SWING!! Using every ounce of strength I had, I preyed open King Dice's fingers and ran away from them just to be stopped by magic. I saw that skeleton in front of me, "S-Sans!? What the Hell!?" His eyes were black, pixels covering his face and I don't think he could here me. "Dang you dumb skeleton!! Why don't you listen!!" Now I wished I've never discovered my soul... 

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