Chapter 11 - Shower Time :D

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When I woke in the morning, I was wrapped up in Ryan's arms, and I felt so incredibly safe and secure. Peeking open my eyes, I noticed that Ryan was still asleep and that a faint light was coming in from underneath the blinds. Yawning, I stretched out. I didn't want to wake Ryan, so I was very quiet and steealthy as I wriggled my way out of his grip. A girl's gotta pee. 

Quietly, I made my way out of the room and congratulated myself on my quiet escape. Ryan didn't seem to have noticed at all. Making my way into the bathroom, I quickly peed and washed my hands. Deciding to take a shower, I quickly stripped off my pyjamas and turned on the fan and the hot water. As I waited for it to heat up, I gazed critically at my body in the mirror. I was slim, but a bit chubby in the stomach. Ryan hadn't said anything, however, and I knew that Ryan wouldn't mind even if I was as round as a ball. 

Thinking of Ryan, my thoughts turned to yesterday, and a soft smile graced my face. Ryan really had seemed to enjoy the treat that I had set up for him, and I was glad. It had cost a fair bit, but it was so worth it to see the excitement on Ryan's face when I'd undone the blindfold from his eyes and he'd gazed at the arena. 

Moving into the shower, I began to wash my body leisurely. So wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't notice the door opening and closing, and Ryan's large body entering the bathroom. Nor did I notice when he disrobed. I did notice, however, when large arms wrapped around my middle and suddenly there was a large, firm stomach and torso pressing against my back. Squeaking in surprise, I dropped the soap and heard Ryan chuckle from behind me. 

"Give a girl some warning, next time!" I complained, trying to calm my racing heart. 

"Sorry," Ryan apologised softly, dipping his head and kissing my shoulder, "But you looked so distracted that I couldn't help myself." 

I huffed in response. A large hand came up and tilted my head back and to the side, and when I opened my mouth to protest, Ryan swooped down and pressed our lips together, licking his way into my mouth. I moaned in pleasure, eyes falling closed as I simply enjoyed the pleasure of kissing my mate. 

Ryan hummed into the kiss, possessively sweeping his tongue inside my mouth, as his hands rubbed up and down my sides. 

I melted back against him, knees going weak from the pleasure that was coursing through my body. I gasped in surprise as one large hand cupped my breast and lightly squeezed. His thumb and forefingers rolled my nipple, and zings of pleasure shot down my stomach to settle down low in my core. 

Ryan pulled back slightly, and I whimpered at the loss, half-opening my eyes to meet his lidded gaze. I could see his pupils were fully dilated, leaving only a strip of colour around the edge. "I can smell your arousal," he said, his voice rumbling in his chest. 

His second hand slowly caressed my side and down my thigh, whilst his other kept up the pleasurable torture on my breast. "Let me give you pleasure, Rose. Say yes," Ryan murmured against my lips. 

"Yes," I whispered, and was instantly rewarded by Ryan's wide grin. 

He pressed out lips together once more, and a finger cirlced my wet entrance before slowly pressing inside. I moaned against his mouth and pressed down into the feeling. It was odd, but good. 

Ryan pressed his finger in and out whilst rubbing at my nipple. My eyes slid closed as I tried to focus on returning the kiss, feeling something begin to build in my abdomen. Ryan added another finger, and I cried out at the stretching feeling, but pressed down into it. Panting and moaning, I expressed my pleasure freely, my head tilting back to rest on Ryan's broad chest as I bounced up and down on his fingers, riding his hand. Another finger was added, and I groaned, the burning stretching feeling so incredibly good. 

Panting, my chest heaving, I cried out and orgasmed around his fingers as Ryan nipped sharply at the side of my neck. My knees went weak and I would have fallen if Ryan hadn't caught me and held my up against his body. 

Vaguely, I was aware of Ryan murmuring soothingly in my eyes, and then a few soft grunts and something warm splattering against my back. Then, something soft was running over my body. Next, the water ceased and I was picked up and dried off, then carried back to what I assumed was the bed. 

Murmuring softly, I rolled over and cuddled into Ryan, uncaring that I was naked, and pressed a soft kiss to whatever piece of skin I could reach. Then, I fell into sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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