Chapter 6 (You guys should love me for this~)

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I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.

I sighed, rubbing my sore head. For the past five minutes I had been the repeating that same sentence in my head and banging my head on the desk. Ouch. If Ryan was here, I was pretty sure he would have stopped me as soon as I had started. Although, if Ryan was here, I wouldn’t be doing this. Ryan made everything better, even boring school. Unfortunately, I was in health. I had finished the “quick test” that was meant to take the whole period and was extremely bored. The teacher glanced at me, and then quickly looked away. I wonder why… It can’t be because I’m with Ryan, could it? I sighed and slowly raised my hand, eyes locked on the teacher, daring him to ignore me.  He gulped “Y-yes, Rosalind?” He stammered.

Several eyes locked on me. I just blocked them out and focused on the teacher. “I’m done.”

A relieved expression crossed his face. “Good, pass it to me, then…”

I grabbed my test and slowly stood, taking my time. I made eye contact and kept it as I slowly pushed in my chair and made my way up to his desk. Beads of sweat were actually appearing on his forehead. I smirked and placed my test done in front of him. I leaned closer to him for a second, searching his eyes, before turning and walking away. I sat back down in my desk.

I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.
I hate school.

The bell rang and I looked up, happy, and grabbed my bag. I rushed out while everyone else was handing in there test papers. Yaaaaaaay! Lunch time with Ryan! I accidentally crashed into someone in the hall. “AHHH!” I cried out in shock as I fell down on top of the person.

“Hello to you too.”
I looked up and saw Ryan smirking down at me. I grinned and hugged him. I looked up as I saw a pair of pink high heels above Ryan’s head. Ryan didn’t seem to notice. She sneered silently at me and jerked her to indicate she wanted to talk to me outside. Then, she turned and walked outside. I narrowed my eyes after her. “You OK?” Ryan asked, concern in his voice.

“Hmm, oh, yeah. Perfectly fine. I just need to sort something out. You go on and get your lunch, I’ll find you when I’m done,” I muttered distractedly.

I got off him, gave him a quick smile and sped off to find the mysterious girl. She was leaning against a tree, arms crossed. I strode over to her. She slowly took in my appearance, before meeting my eyes with a smirk. “Are you Ryan’s latest slut? Well, you better enjoy it while it lasts. And, when he ends it, like he always does, he’ll come back to me. Just like he always does. We have such good times together… If you know what I mean,” she trailed off, raising one eye brow.

While I was hearing the words and I could understand them, something about it just didn’t seem right. She lies. Ryan and I have never been in a relationship or gotten sexual with someone other than you, Ryan’s wolf whimpered. I had long gotten used to the fact that his wolf could talk to me. Although, it was a little hard to make out sometimes, like when he was feeling a particular emotion strongly. I trust you, I replied silently. I stared at this girl, up and down, like she did to me, before meeting her eyes. “You’re lying.” I stated confidently.

She rocked back, shocked. “E-excuse me?” She stuttered.

“Are you deaf, I said, “You’re lying”. Ryan has never been in a relationship with anyone, sexual or non. I am his girlfriend.  You are not. Now, if you will excuse me, I have my boyfriend to find.” I stated coldly, turning my back on her and walking away.

I snorted and rolled my eyes as I walked away. Some people, honestly. She seriously just needs to get a life. And a boyfriend. Does Ryan know you talk to me? I asked Fluffy silently.

No. I must admit it is quite amusing sometimes, isn’t it? You talking to me and Ryan would be doing something else. He gave a soft chuckle and I smiled.

Where are you? I asked as I stepped out of the tree-line.

To your left, leaning against the big tree. He’s such a wimp sometimes, right now he is mentally complaining to me that you aren’t with us.

I laughed out loud, walking over to Ryan, his head whipped around to face me, and he grinned. I straddled him and grinned. “Sorry for just leaving you on the floor, back there.” I whispered, pressing a small kiss to his nose.

His arms wound around me and he pressed his face into my neck. I felt him inhale deeply, then smile. “Did you miss me?” I teased softly, already knowing the answer.

Fluffy snorted in my head. As if he’ll actually admit it. I laughed silently as an answer.

“A bit,” he told me. More like a lot, to the point he actually wanted to go looking for you.

I grinned; maybe I could use Fluffy to get Ryan uncomfortable. “You didn’t want to go looking for me?” I asked, trailing kisses down his neck.

His grip on me tightened, and a groan left his mouth. You really are evil, Fluffy purred, I love it.

He sent me a picture of Ryan pacing, pulling at his hair. I stifled my giggle. “To the point where you paced and pulled at your hair?” I teased, trailing my hands down his chest.

He shook his head in silent denial. Anything else I can use against him?

The large stick on your left. He sent me an image of Ryan snapping the stick with his hands.

 I gasped, pulling back from Ryan, and leaning over to the left. Sure enough, there were the remains of a once large stick. It wasn’t only just broken in half, but multiple times. “You broke that stick?!” I gasped, picking up one piece.

Holy crap – that was heavy! He shrugged. Then, a confused look crossed his face. “How did you know?” He question.

I was still trying to pick up that one piece with one hand. “Fluffy,” I answered, absent-mindedly.

He stiffened under me, and I realised what I had just said. “Oops.” I whispered, hand covering my mouth.

“How long have you known?” He growled; eyes flashing with some emotion before it disappeared.

 I leaned against his legs behind me. Fluffy, I whispered silently, asking for support.

It’s alright, I’m here. He sent me an image of him winding around me, keeping me safe.

I sighed, ”a while. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. You have the same piercing grey eyes; you both make me feel safe and loved…” I trailed off, fidgeting with my fingers nervously as I waited for his response.

He sighed deeply, “I’m sorry I frightened you. I just didn’t expect you to know and not run away from me.” He grabbed my chin and pulled my face up so that I was looking into his eyes.

 He leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to mine. My eyes closed in pleasure, a soft sigh escaping me. He groaned, nudging my lips open with his tongue and growling softly with pleasure as our tongues tousled.  I trailed a hand down his chest, loving the feel of his hard body. I pressed myself against him and he growled softly in approval.


I wasn’t going to upload again this soon, but I got such a great response that I just HAD to update again! Please keep the votes and comments coming! And thank you to all of you who became my fans/voted or commented~ :) and no, the story hasn't ended! It has many more chappies to come~

Mate to the school badass? *Faint*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن