Chapter 5

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Rosalind POV:

I blinked rapidly, tears threatening to fall. I felt overwhelmed at the force of his emotions. I hardly noticed as tears spilt down my cheeks, until Ryan came running over to me and cupped my face in his large hands, his thumbs smoothing over my cheeks as he rubbed away the tears. 'I-I'm sorry,' I mumbled, looking down. 'It’s just... No one’s ever said anything like that to me before. It would be nice of you to do that for me, but I wouldn't want to be a burden...' 
'You will never be a burden to me!' he quickly interrupted. 'Please, Rose, come live with me and be my girlfriend.' he begged. 'I will cherish you forever. I will never stray; I know that the only person I will ever want to share my life with completely is you.'
I leapt at him and crashed my mouth to his, tears still streaking down my face. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in his black hair. He stumbled backwards at my weight, his face completely shocked and his arms held me so I wouldn't fall off. 'Yes,' I mumbled against his mouth. ‘I will be your girlfriend and I will live with you.' 
I kissed all over his face while he remained frozen with shock. Then the shock seemed to wear off and his arms tightened and pressed me to him. He spun around and strode away. I lightly traced his lips with my tongue. His mouth opened, and I stuck the tip of my tongue inside, teasing him. He growled and placed me down on a very long couch, settling on top of me. He crashed his mouth to mine and his tongue demanded entrance to my mouth. I quickly closed my mouth firmly. The thought of him getting angry was actually quite a turn on. He growled at me softly, sweeping his tongue once again against my lips. I drew my hands up and gently scraped them down his scalp. He gave a low, deep, husky, out-of-control growl. His hands skimmed the sides of my body, making me shiver. The bubbling of a stove brought me back to my senses and I reluctantly pulled out of the kiss. 'The dinner's going to burn,' I murmured as he growled at me. 
He kissed down my neck. 'I don't care,'
'I do! I'm not eating burnt food!' I exclaimed, shoving his chest. 
I knew I didn't have a hope of moving him, but, hey, it was a good excuse to touch his well-muscled chest! He grumbled, propping himself up by one hand near my face and ran the other through his hair. He closed his eyes briefly, sitting up. He sighed deeply as he opened his eyes, glancing down at me before he pressed a swift peck to my nose and getting off of me. He grabbed my hand in a firm grip and pulled me up, pressing me against his side with an arm around my waist. He led me along a hallway at a hurried pace before we entered the kitchen. He let go of me as he rushed around, turning off various things and muttering to himself. I watched him with an amused smile on my face. He stirred something in multiple pots, and dished out pasta and sauce onto two bowls, a serious frown on his face.

I watched from the doorway, a smile on my lips. When he was sure that everything was perfect, he straightened and smiled. He turned and faced me, a bowl in each hand. He set them down on a table that I hadn’t noticed before, then got two forks and carefully set them next to the plates. He grinned at me excitedly and motioned for me to sit down. I laughed softly and sat. I picked up my fork and looked over at Ryan. He was watching me intently, smiling, and resting his head on his hands. “What?” I asked, slightly uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

“I want to see your reaction.”

I blinked, surprised, then shrugged it off. I took a bite of the pasta, making sure there was sauce on it, and moaned. “This is delicious!” I exclaimed through my mouthful, quickly shovelling more into my mouth.

Ryan sat watching me eat, a self-satisfied smile on his face, for a while. Then he picked up his fork and ate.

When I finished the delicious pasta, I was fuller than I had ever been in my entire life! I sat back in my chair and smiled happily, watching Ryan eat the rest of his meal.

I watched as he got up, his large frame towering over me. He would have been intimidating if it wasn’t for the fact that he was so sweet to me. I smiled up at him as he took my dirty dishes over to the sink. I admired his back as his muscles shifted continuously from the movement of his arms as he washed the dishes. Mmm, he was so sexy… My face flushed at the thought and I licked my suddenly-dry lips. My eyes travelled down his back and rested on his firm butt, enclosed in his pants. Ryan turned suddenly, and my eyes snapped up to meet his. They were filled with lust. “If you keep on looking at me like that, I’m going to do something you’re not ready for…” He said huskily.

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