I stopped going into flight mode and quickly changed to fight. I hid behind a tree and saw the three guys running. All with bow and arrows. I ran behind one and quickly attacked him and threw him to the ground. The second guy I broke his neck easily, and the third I killed almost instantly. The first guy who I didn't kill ran after me and I grabbed the arrow and threw it to his eyeball. Then I took the bow and stuck it through him. Another guy surrounded me and I was prepared to fight but someone behind him quickly killed him with the snap of the neck.

"How'd you find me?" I asked Rebekah. "Your text sent me halfway, vamp hearing did the rest."

"Where's Klaus?" I asked

"He's back in town he sent me to make sure everything was going smoothly" She said "Who are they?" she pointed to the dead bodies everywhere.

"Witches, warlocks, whatever." I said

"There are more of them." 

"Run!" she said and I did so. About 100 feet after I heard Rebekah got shot.

"Rebekah!" I screamed and she went down. soon an arrow hit me in the heart, and I went down also.

I woke up, safely alive on the ground and I saw Hayley standing over me.

"Hayley!" I said as I quickly stood up and hugged her. "What happened?"

"You were shot in the heart. I took the arrow out and you healed up immediately. You never really died so you and your baby are okay. You can relax now." She said, alerting me that my hug was too tight. I slowly let go off her and took a long look at her. 

She seemed different, she looked like she found her place in the world 

 "I found my family, a pack of wolves. I have to wait until the full moon in order to see them in person though."

"That's great. Where do you guys meet? Do you want me to come?" I asked and she nodded.

"They have been watching and protecting you and the baby. It is part werewolf." Hayley said and I smiled

"She's part werewolf." I said and she smiled.

"Thank god you won't have a mini Klaus on your hands." I immediately remembered.

"Klaus" I said, "I gotta get back to the clinic." With that I was gone and Hayley turned into a werewolf and followed me. I stood silently in the back of Klaus who was yelling at Rebekah for not watching me closely.

"Klaus." I said and he turned around.

"What happened? Tell me what happened?" he said 

"Hayley found me. She helped me and then..." I said trying to remember.

"She ran to you." Hayley said behind us. "Keep her safe. The wolves are watching over her. You know where to find us, Andrea." With that, she was gone in a flash.

"How did you escape. You were outnumbered, unarmed." Rebekah said as she walked me over to the steps and we sat down.

"The wolves I guess." I said, "They are protecting me."

"The witches were supposed to protect you." Klaus said, "When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux-"

"It wasn't Sophie. It was Agnes." I said

"Fine. Agnes, Sophie. It's all the same to me." Klaus said, "I'll slaughter the lot of them."

"Not if Elijah gets there first." Rebekah said and I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

"Elijah?" I asked, "did you find him?"

"He's been in touch, and he has a plan." Rebekah said, "All he asked is that we take care of you, the baby, and Hayley."

"Can we go home now?" I asked, "I'd really like to sleep for a few weeks." Klaus slightly chuckled at what I said. When I stood up I immediately fell over and Klaus ran and picked me up bridal style.

"I got you, love. I've got you." He said. Klaus carried me to the car and place me in the back and sat with me. he put his hand in mine for the entire ride home. I don't remember much but I remember Klaus cleaning me up, throwing one of his T-shirts on me, and laying me on the bed. He quickly took a shower and joined me. I snuggled up against him and immediately fell asleep.

"All is good, little wolf." Klaus said, "I love you, always and forever."


There's actually only eight more chapters left... Time flies when you're procrastinating life. 

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