"You can do it.", Yena said. It was rare for Yuri to see Yena being this serious.

      "I. I can't. What if they don't like my performance? What if they don't like me? What if I mess up?", she said after she looked up and looked at Yena.

      "You can do it, I know you can. I've heard you before, and everything about it, everything about you is beautiful. I'll be there with you, I promise. So please, don't worry because I believe in you, you should too, alright? I'll be here, singing with you.", Yena said to Yuri.

      Yuri nodded before Yena hugged her tightly. She nuzzled her face into Yena's neck closed her eyes, as she felt her breathing become steady as it follows Yena's pace.

I just wanna see how beautiful you are
You know that I see it
I know you're a star
Where you go I follow
No matter how far
If life is a movie
Then you're the best part, oh oh oh
You're the best part, oh oh oh
Best part
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you
Won't you
If you love me won't you say something
If you love me won't you

      Yuri looked at Yena as she stood behind the doorway leading to the backstage. The audience could only hear Yuri's voice, unaware of the girl singing with her. They looked at each other as they sang. When the song came to an end, Yuri smiled at Yena, showing her how grateful she is.

      "You did well", Yena mouthed to her. Yuri then looked at the audience, very happy to see that people appreciated her perfomance.

      Yuri took a breath and finally opened the door.

      But she suddenly wishes that she didn't.

       At the place where she thought only the two of them hang out in was Yena and Hangyul. What made it worse was they were sitting side by side while they played the piano playfully. Yuri didn't understand why they were laughing so hard but what she did know is that it hurts. She's never seen Yena being so happy like that whenever she's with her. It felt like Yena is happy without her so she closed the door quietly and just left.


       As she walked home, she felt empty as she thought about the girl who she usually walks with. It feels so quiet without the dork trying to annoy her. When she reached her place, she decided to just quickly go to her room and have some time for herself but her mother didn't let her.

      "Yuri, come back here. Are you just gonna ignore our guest?", Her mom asked her. Yuri just opened her door again, just wanting to get it over with.

      "Yuri!", Yena said while she was eating  in the kitchen.


      Yuri awkwardly just stood by the door and stared at the girl who flopped down to her bed. She didn't know what to say or do. She didn't know what's happening. She just cried.

      "Unnie, I'm sorry!", Yuri cried out like a little kid.

       "I'm sorry too. I missed you!", Yena cried out too and stood up, arms wide open as she was ready to hug Yuri. It was just a day since it happened but it was the longest that they weren't with each other. Yuri tried to wipe her tears but they just keep on coming so she just decided to hug Yena back, wiping her tears  using Yena's shirt.

      "You disgusting kid, first you poured milk and now you wipe your snot using my shirt!", Yena teased Yuri and slapped her arm, making the other girl laugh out loud.

The Girl In The Painting (ON HIATUS) (Hyetomi/Chaetomi)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt