The Move In

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The Texas air was sticky as I stepped out of the car, my dark hair clinging to my forehead, face, and the back of my neck. I set down my book bag and quickly threw my hair up into a ponytail, hoping to ease the effect of the suffocating heat that I would be living in for the next four years of my life.  

I searched for Beverly's hair in the crowd. It shouldn't have been as hard as it was, considering the majority of the crowd was blonde. 

"Perfect for my brother." I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes. Unfortunately, my brother was on the same campus as I was. He was a senior, he played baseball, and everybody on campus loved him. I did too, don't get me wrong, he's my brother after all, I just wasn't head over heels like most of the girls on campus. 

I finally found the auburn-caramel hair that I was searching for and ran straight into the crowd, hearing my parents yell my name in the background, but I didn't care. I was pushing and shoving until I found my way to Beverly. We wrapped our arms around each other as we collided, squealing and laughing. As we calmed down, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my parents, and my brother with his hand covering his face. I knew he was embarrassed because I acted like that.

"Screw him. He's a senior, he doesn't get excited anymore. This is my first time, I'm going to enjoy it." I thought to myself. 

"Well, let's get moving!" I said, hoisting my book bag higher on my shoulder. Beverly grabbed a box out of her car and headed up the stairs to our room. I ran back to the car, it was getting easier now that the crowd was starting to disperse into their rooms or cars, and grabbed two boxes. I hurried off, not waiting for my parents or brother to join me. I jogged up the stairs and towards room 307, my home for the foreseeable future. I opened the door and was immediately relieved by a blast of cold air. 

I saw Beverly had already claimed the bed on the right side of the room, so I piled my stuff near the bed on the left. I sat on the bed and sighed happily, imagining what it would look like when it was finished. 

The door swung open and my family walked in, boxes crammed into their arms. I helped them set everything down, while Beverly headed out to get the rest of her stuff. My dad followed after her, wanting to make sure she didn't carry too much. 

I started to dig into the boxes, rifling through to find my bedding. It was pretty basic, white comforter, dark blue throw blanket and some pillows to match the bedding. Mom and I started to make the bed, while Glen started to move the mini fridge and microwave. 

Dad and Beverly came back in with the rest of her boxes and set them down near her bed. 

It took a couple hours, but eventually, we finished unpacking and decorating. We all started to load cardboard boxes into cars and totes under beds. We headed down the stairs, saying our goodbyes all the way, until my mom, dad, and Glen loaded into the car and left. Glen had moved himself in earlier that morning without us, claiming independence and that he didn't need help from mom and dad. Meanwhile, I was only 17, so I needed everyone there for support. I rolled my eyes at that notion, I had always been an independent person, and I probably always would be. 

It was essentially all my own decision to skip my senior year of high school, everyone told me I would regret it, that I would hate that I didn't stay with my friends and make more memories, but I knew that I needed to move on. High school was boring, un-challenging, and juvenile. I didn't really have a lot of friends in high school, I was so different from everyone there. Not to mention I had been so wrapped up in my dancing and singing that I never really had much free time. High school was basically one big waste of time for me. So, when I was offered the chance to leave high school early, to really pursue what I loved, what I excelled in, I knew I had to take it. I knew that I had to keep challenging myself if I was going to improve.

But, sitting in my dorm that afternoon, with my family gone and Beverly out setting up for a party, I did start to long for the comfort and support that I had next to me at home. I knew they still supported me, but it wasn't the same as having them right there next to me.

As much as I would have liked to stay there on the bed all afternoon, I knew it wasn't gonna help me. I decided to take a shower and then I would head out to the dance and theater arts building. It's where I'd be spending most of my time, figured I'd might as well know the place. 

I quickly stripped down and hopped into the shower. As soon as I had washed my body and hair, I hopped out and wrapped myself in my towels. I headed back into the bedroom, Beverly still out setting up for the party, and tried to find something to wear. 

Eventually I settled on a pair of black jean shorts, a school t-shirt, and my converse. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and was grabbing my bag to go out, when there was a knock at the door. I walked over to it, wondering if Beverly had forgotten her key. I opened the door and the face on the other side surprised me. 

"Oh-- Hi."

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