Entry 8

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I'm so happy I found u again! <3 Stupid Artemis....Taking my journal and hiding it in the most unexpected place...........the sewars... Thank god Robin didn't find this. He would have taken photos of my entries and posted them on Instagram for the whole world to see •-• I spent a solid 7 hours looking for my book in the sewars. IT WAS THAT HARD TO FIND! And in no way was I looking for any teenage mutant ninja turtles to see if they really existed and if they really lived in the sewars....nope I did not....heh heh.... So, let me fill you in on what happened to me when u were gone and the awesomeness of me :D

1)Arty and I are now dating....I hv no idea if I should be happy or sad..... I don't really want to tell you why...at least not yet •_• (I still call her Farty sometimes because I'm just that awesome)

2)I got Bart back for the chicken whizzie theft! >:D I know he's afraid of beetles because of the future thingy, so I put real beetles in a bag of chicken whizzies.... (They weren't that hard to catch, although Artemis killed me for bringing beetles to her house later on :p) Then Bart took them and when Batman was briefing us on a mission, he opened the pack, reached his hand in.....AND SCREECHED LIKE A GIRL! It was so funny cause he was yelling like crazy while swatting his hand and Batman was staring at him like "what the heck is wrong with that kid" and everyone else was like : O.o

Again, I love myself for my awesomeness. If I wasn't dating Arty, I would marry myself. I considered doing it before, but sadly u cannot marry urself, so that kinda ruled that thought out :(

3)We had this huuuuge sleepover with all the guys in the team. Bart slept faaaaaaar away from me ;) I AM DA CHAMPION MY FRIIIEEEENDSSSSS

Anyway, when everyone was asleep, SOMEBODY (obvious hints over here) rigged the beds so anyone who got off would get drenched in honey, sparkles, and feathers. Am I...I mean is that guy not brilliant? :D So....Robin, Arsenal, Blue beetle, Bart, Nightwing, Aqualad and Superboy all got drenched in the honey feathers and glitter! Of course they tried to come after me, but thank god I have blackmail photos for everyone. For example, I have a photo of Nightwing dancing to Katy Perry in a miniskirt, Arsenal wearing a ballet costume, and (my fav) Arty having make up on and wearing a girly dress witha pink ribbon. This is why I am not dead yet. I have these photos to keep me alive :D

Oh wait...I just revealed myself did I? .-. NEVERMIND... Anyway I gotta go! Maaaaybe I'll tell you about Arty and I getting together next time....idk •_•

A/N: Special thanks to NabicanEmpress for the suggestion of the Bart prank! She said spiders, but I figured Bart would be scared of beetles instead so I put that :D yes I am also following Flash_of_lightning's suggestion to put Arty and Wally on a date. It'll be on the nxt entry! Its nice to be back :D Hope u guys enjoyed!

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