Entry 4

389 27 12

Hellooooooo Journal thing! (Still have no idea what to call you •👅•) So today we played truth or dare! It was fun...I guess...Except I had to kiss the old fart...Okay maybe it wasnt so bad....Did I just write that? Oh shit I wrote in pen! And I ranout of correction tape! Guess I can't erase that.... :#|
Anywaaaaaay here's what happened...

M'gann:We have a day off!
Kauldar:We earned it team.
M'gann:Who wants cookies?
Me:I'd love anything you make babe
Everyone:Sigh and facepalm
Artemis:Shut up Baywatch.
Me:You shut up you old-
Superboy:Dont say it
Artemis:What were you going to call me?
Robin:Lets play a game! I know! Truth or dare!
M'gann:Ooh! That sounds fun!
Superboy;Whats that
Kauldar:We'll explain to you
M'gann: Let's start! Okay...Robin! Truth or Dare!
M'gann:I dare you to kiss Zatanna next time she comes >:D
Kauldar:M'gan that may be too-
Me:No it's not! You can't back down boy chicken!
Artemis:Shut up Wally.
Superboy:I don't get this game •_•
Everyine else:.......
Robin:Fine I'll do it... -.- My turn! Kauldar truth or dare!
Kauldar:...Since dared are dangerous, I shall choose a truth
M'gann:Do you like anyone?
Robin:M'gann you can't just butt in -.- I have to ask the question! So Kauldar...Do you like anyone?
M'gann:Isn't that what I said..?
Superboy:Now this is confusing...
Kauldar:I..I like...Tula :#D
M'gann and Artemis:Awwwwww
Me:Whos dat? •_•
Supeboy:Is the point of this game to ask about romantic relationships?
M'gann:No...But you can talk abt that if you want..
Kauldar:Enough flirting
Artemis:Yeah Kid Flirt is enough thank you very much
Me:HEY! D:<
Kauldar:Next question! Superboy, Truth or dare
Artemis:Please say kill Wally Please say kill Wally
Me:I can hear you...
kauldar:Ask superman to be his son
superboy:Okaaaaaay...now for you Artemis truth-
Superboy:Okay >:D KissWally
Everyone:SAY WHAT?!
Me:Kiss that old fart???
Artemis:Me kiss that...That...
Me:Swag person
Artemis:SHUT UP! I will not kiss him!
Me:No way I'm letting her kiss me!
Robin:Kid chicken and Chartemis sitting in a tree! K I S S I N G!
Artemis:You will die slowly
M'gann:Awww ur agreeing on smthing!
Artemis:Fine fine I'll do it.... *kisses on cheek* I'm going to my room
Me:Me too

So here I am...Writing.....Yay..? I have to admit I felt really happy after that kiss...It was pretty sweet :3 Wait omigosh what am I saying? I think I'm crazy....Never mind ima go eat ma dougnuts! :3

{So it turned out to be a sort of Rp thing! Fuuuuun! :D So anyone have anymore ideas for the diaries? The next one will be about Arty getting pink hair and the next next one will be about Arty... Wait I'm revealing too much. Oops! Spoilers! Anywwaaaaaaay stay crash! Byeee! :D }

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