Todoroki Shouto

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He....He was wearing makeup. Midoriya was
We had walked to the bar together before Midoriya had excused himself to the bathroom and come back wearing makeup. It was light and simple but there was no denying that it was there. Midoriya simply sat down next to me again as if nothing had changed. My mouth was hanging open like a dead fish and I'll admit I was staring. "Uh...Shouto-kun? Are you ok?" He asked me, a nervous tone to his words and I forced myself to nod.

"O-Of course. I'm fine." I signalled to the bartender for another drink even as I spoke. I wasn't going to drink too much, I still needed to get home, but it seemed Midoriya had other plans. "Don't you think you should slow down a little Izuku?" I raised an eyebrow at the boy as he down another shot of some blue liquid. "At this rate you'll be shitfaced in under an hour."

He spun his chair to face me, a tipsy grin on his face, and a look in his eyes that I didn't trust. "C'mon Shouto-kun, don't be so uptight." Already the alcohol was affecting him, could he really be this much of a lightweight? He took another few shots, his lipstick staining the rim of each glass, before speaking again. "Plus you haven't even said anything about my makeup." I nearly choked on my drink, my hand freezing up. "Don't you think I'm pretty Shouto-kun?" Midoriya leaned closer to me as he spoke, his cheeks flushed from the alcohol.

"You're drunk, Izuku."

"You're sexy." He slurred and I choked again, my eyes going wide. "Don't kid yourself, I've seen you staring in the locker room." His hand was on my thigh but I was quick to grab it.

  "Izuku you're red. Are you sure you're feeling ok?" Fine, if he wants to play games then I can play too. "Your warm too. Why don't I cool you down?" I dragged my left hand up his arm and neck, finally resting it on his heated cheek.

  The sound he made was music to my ears. "Th-that feels nice Shouto-kun." He leaned into the touch and I swear he almost moaned. "You're so....You're so nice Shouto-kun. I wish I had a-asked you out back in school." He was slurring again and I sighed.

  "You're not in your right mind. I think we should leave." I finished off my drink quickly and paid our tab. All the while Midoriya was whining and pouting like a child who didn't get their way.

"Awe but Shouto-kun I can't ride the train at this hour." He had a devious and drunk smirk on his face as he slurred, "I'll have to go home with you." Midoriya clung to me as we left the bar, all the while muttering things under his breath. His face was heavily flushed and I still couldn't believe he was a lightweight.
We made it to my apartment with, thankfully, no incidents but as I was unlocking my door Midoriya had somehow gottten another lollipop and was eating it quite...obscenely. "Shouto I'm tired...." he whined and leaned on me as I led him into the apartment. I didn't speak, instead I sat him on the couch and rubbed his shoulder.

  "Just stay here. I'll get you some water." I turned and walked to the kitchen, intending to grab a glass of water when I heard the couch cushions squeak and a quiet snore. Turning on my heels I stepped back into the living room and smiled slightly.
He was out cold, drool on his chin, his head dropping forward just slightly. He still had that lollipop in his hand but this was fine. I stood, took the candy and put it on a napkin to the side, before scooping Midoriya up and carrying him to the guest room. I didn't think I would need a two bedroom apartment but I guess I lucked out.
As I set him down on the bed I heard his phone begin to ring and quickly went to retrieve it. The caller id was lighting as....Daddy? Confusion shot through me as I considered my options. I could answer his phone and potentially make him a bit peeved at me or I could forever wonder who this contact is.....
"Hello?" I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Why the fuck do you have Deku's phone icy hot?" Bakugou's voice growled out from the other end. I was shocked into silence, not replying for a minute or two. "WELL? Are you deaf and dumb?" His angry voice knocked me out of my shock though.

"Bakugou....Are you aware of what Midoriya has saved you under in his phone?" This time there was silence on his end, for maybe a few beats before a growl.

"Tell me before I reach through this screen and blow you up." It wasn't really a threat, just more of his wonderful personality shining through.

Still I didn't tell him right away, instead I chuckled and looked into the guest room where Midoriya slept peacefully. "Well...either Midoriya has worse daddy issues than I do, or there's something going on here." With that I hung up, turned his phone on silent and began to get ready for bed. A nice big grin on my face the entire time.

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