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Harry's POV

Once we entered the dining room, in which Dudley and Marge were occupying, they both turned to look at us.

"Vernon, you didn't tell me we would be joined by others." Marge looked expectantly at her brother.

Vernon went red. "I didn't know. They just showed up with the boy."

Lily placed a small smile on her face. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Lily Potter nee Evans. This is my husband James and our daughter Violet. I'm sure you've already met our son, Harry."

"Marge Dursley. I was under the impression that Petunia was the only living relative of the boy."

"His. Name. Is. Harry! Stop calling him 'the boy'! He's right here and he has a name, use it!" Violet growled at everyone.

I silently thanked her.

By this time, Marge's dog (her favourite one, Ripper, of course) was straining to get off his lead, growling loudly.

Dudley was looking on silently, not knowing what to do. Everyone had turned to watch Violet and he had no clue what was going on.

He finally broke the silence. "How can you be Harry's parents if they died twelve years ago?"

James turned to the boy and kindly explained. "We never died. It was all a trick on both parties. We were told Harry was dead so we moved to America for a fresh start, to get away from the pain. Whereas your family and Harry were told your aunt and I were dead. So, your cousin had to live with you."

Lily then looked at Petunia. "James and I need to talk to you in private. Why don't the kids go upstairs whilst we go somewhere more private. Preferably the living room."

The woman shooed us off upstairs where Dudley didn't know what to do. If he told us we couldn't go into his room because we're 'freaky weirdos' he would get into trouble. But, he didn't want to go into my room. So, he went into his room, leaving his door open slightly.

I just opened my door and stepped in. Violet looked shocked at all the locks on my door then the size of my room. "Gods, Harry. This is really small. My closet in the manor is bigger than this box!"

I honestly didn't doubt that.

She perched on the end of my broken bed looking around. "Did you break all of those?"

I shook my head. "No. Dudley did. There just wasn't enough space for them in his room."

"Why's there so many locks on your door?"

"I get into a lot of trouble, they stop me from getting out."

"Why's there a cat flap in your bedroom door?"

"For food and water to come through when I'm in trouble." I explained.

Violet stared at me, concern and anger shining brightly in her hazel eyes. "You're telling me that when you acted out, you were locked in this room with no contact and only getting food through a cat flap?"

I nodded. "Well, yeah. Only when I'm bad though. It's not like it's all the time."

"Where are your things?" She asked, eyes narrowed.

I lowered my head slightly and pointed at the bed, the bedside table and the loose floorboard under my bed.

"There isn't a lot. Most of it's at the Leaky Cauldron in my trunk. Just my baby blanket, a few birthday cards and clothes." I told her.

She looked murderous but dropped the subject much to my delight.

Lily's POV

After I sent the kids upstairs, Petunia, James and I entered the living room leaving Vermin and his horrid sister behind.

"Let's get straight to the point here." I started. "We found my son wandering alone in Diagon Alley today. Wearing rags. Furthermore, Harry claimed they were his best clothes other than his uniform. I would like to know why."

She looked shocked. "W-we couldn't afford new clothes for two boys so we figured that because Dudley's bigger than the boy, he could reuse perfectly good clothes that my Dudders has outgrown."

"Somethings not adding up here. Listen, I'm an auror. That's like your muggle police in the wizarding wold. I know how to piece things together. You have a moderately large house, an expensive looking muggle device known as a 'car' outside, a TV, two in fact and you're eating fancy, expensive food with plenty left to spare. I should know, I grew up in a manor, rich and well-known. Cut the crap and tell us what's really going on. Why is my son practically skin and bones whilst yours is more than a healthy weight by a long shot? Why does your son have expensive clothes and shoes whilst mine gets the bare minimum, looking like a homeless person?" James growled out.

Petunia gained a spine for a few seconds as she responded. "He's a freak of nature. Forced upon us by that old fool of a headmaster. He didn't deserve what he was given!"

"He deserves more than you could ever understand in that pea-sized brain of yours!" I snapped at the horse faced woman sat in front of me.

She cowered back. "Why are you here, Lily?"

"I'm here for my son! He clearly isn't being looked after here. He's malnourished, clearly touch starved and dressed in dirty, oversized, ripped clothing. I thought maybe we could sort this out and put our hostile past behind us. Be real sisters again. Or at least stop hating one another. It now looks as though that may never happen.

"I want my son back. He will live in our manor where we can look after him. Hand over the custody now. I talked to the goblins at Gringotts and got the paperwork now all you need to do is sign on the dotted line." I got out a few pieces of parchment with the Gringotts seal on and a pen then handed them to her.

She quickly signed over the custody of Harry to James and I. Honestly, I was surprised she complied that quickly.

James wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "He's ours again, Lilyflower. After all these years, we have him back."

I almost burst into tears of joy at the thought of having my little boy back finally.

Turning back to my sister, I stated, "I'll be collecting my children and leaving. Just know, if I find so much as an old bruise on my son, I'm not above calling the police to report a child abuse case."

James and I walked out of the horrifically decorated room with a newfound sense of strength. We just ignored the two comically alike whales sat at the table in favour of going to collect our children.

James went up to get them whilst I waited by the door, watching the imbeciles in the dining room gossip about us.

A few minutes later, a fuming James and Violet walked down the stairs followed by an excited Harry. He was carrying a small bundle of things wrapped in a blanket. The blanket I myself had made for Harry just after he was born.

"Harry, did your father tell you about us getting custody over you?" I asked smiling. He nodded his head. "Honey, we'll be waiting outside. This is your chance to say whatever you want to your 'family' currently located in the dining room. Anything you want. You can say it. Just this once, okay?"

About five minutes later, Harry ran out of the house, silent tears streaming down his face. When he got to us, he didn't even stop. He just ran and ran into the night.

James ran after him. Violet tried to follow but I held her back. She didn't know the streets of London like James or I did.

After half an hour, James came back shaking his head.

"By the time I got there, he was on the knight bus speeding off. Probably back to Diagon Alley." He explained.

"We need to find him James. Now! Apparate us to the Leaky Cauldron." I commanded.

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