Chapter 24

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Branch Made His Way To Frond's Mansion Pod As Ducky And Bunny Distracted The Anti-Trolls.


Ducky And Bunny Distracted Them With Baby Shark.

🎶 🦈 Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark!🦈 🎶

Everyone Sang.

Mikey Started To Break Dance.


Branch Went To The Manison And Saw His Recent Enemy...........................

Branch Groans.
"Here We Go Again..."

Branch Began Climbing The Stairs.

37 Minutes Later...

Branch Made It.

Branch Went Inside The Mansion.

"Frond? Frond?? Frond???"
Branch Looked Around.

Branch Then Spotted Frond On His Balcony Sitting Watching The View.

Frond Is Also Gray.

"Frond! There You Are!"
Branch Ran To The Balcony.

Frond Stayed Quiet.

"Frond I Know You're Mad At Me But Listen! I Know How To Fix Everything! And It Requires You!"
Branch Said.

"Wow, How Interesting"
Frond Said Sarcastically, Still Upset.

Branch Frowned And Sighed.
"Look....I Can Be A Grump. A Cracky Doofus, And Can Sometimes Be A Jerk. But I'm Really Sorry"

Frond Still Kept Quiet.

"And You're My Only...B-Brother...🥺"
Branch Began To Tear Up.

"I've Always Looked Up To You As A Kid. You Were My Inspiration! Even If We Fought, I Felt Our Brotherly Love! Yes, I Admit I Started Most Of Our Arguments! If Not All.....I Just Can't Lose You To. Your My Only Relative Left.....I Love You Frond....No Wonder Mom And Dad Took You Instead....I'm Not Good Quality Compared To You..."
Branch Sheds A Tear.

Frond Still Kept Quiet.

Branch Looked Down.

He Reached In His Hair And Took Out His Banjo.

And Started Playing.

🎵 You're from one side of the tracks
And I live on the other
Why we don't see eye-to-eye
Really ain't no wonder
But you got the rock and I got the roll
You got the heart and I got the soul....🎵

🎵 So let's just be brothers
Ain't gotta fight about it
Let's find a way around it
Let's just be brothers
Hey, what do you say?
If we don't even know what we were fussin' about
Don't you think it's time we work it out?
Let's just be brothers
Hey, let's just be brothers🎵

Trolls: Out Of This World 2 (The Return Of Sergei)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang