Once all the kids had wriggled down the rope Steve immediately took charge ordering him to the front of the line when he saw Mike trying to take the lead.
"Hey! I don't think so! Any of you shits die down here I'm getting the blame. Got it dipshit? From here on out I'm leading the way and Violet will take back. Got it?" He bossily ordered and everyone got into line following his orders- but Steve wasn't done there. Oh no, he decided to take it even further barking orders at them all every five minutes like a true mom.
"Let's go. Come on. A little hustle"
"Steve please! Shut up" Violet yelled from the back and although she couldn't see his face ah knew he was rolling his eyes.
Dustin stopped for a moment causing Violet to bump right into him.
"Dustin come on keep moving" she softly said not wanting to draw Steve's attention to them knowing they would get it in the neck for stopping. But Dustin didn't move and instead he looked up and it all happened so quickly; puss exploded from up above and squirted in his face.
"Shit. HELP!" He yelled out collapsing to the floor. Instantly Violet swooped down and inspected him. By now the whole group had stopped and ran up to the two asking what had happened and if anything was wrong but of corse Steve took control crouching down to look at Dustin
"What happened" he asked
"The idiot stopped and this flower spit something at him" Violet explained helping Dustin back up to his feet
"It got in my mouth!" Dustin yelled frantically.
"It's okay, your okay Dust" Violet reassured him.
"I'm okay" Dustin said causing the group to room their eyes at how frantic he was.
"Very funny man" Steve muttered walking back up to the front as all the kids followed.
"Come on, let's get a move on" Violet sighed lightly pushing Dustin forward.
"Alright Wheeler, I think I found your hub" Steve said as the group stood over a massive hole of vines.
"Let's drench it" Mike emotionlessly said. Steve grabbed the gasoline and poured it all over the vines not missing a single one. Violet took the lighter of Steve and flicked in on them setting them alight. A funny feeling filled Violet as she set the evil thing on fire; it kind of hurt but it mainly tingled and filled her with a strange sensation. But it didn't last long- and she didn't have time to focus on it as she was being dragged by the kids in a running motion.
"Let's go... lets go. GO!" Steve yelled as they all ran. It was hard to keep a balance as the ground was bumpy and it caused Mike to fall down. Violet instantly turned and tried to yank Mike out but the vines tied him down.
"Steve! A little help please" Violet yelled and Steve came running to her side violently swinging the bat down to free Mike. As soon as Mike was free Violet scooped him up in her arms and she was about to begin running when Dart growled and stood in their way.
"Dart" Dustin almost questioned and began walking forward but Violet dragged him backwards.
"Trust me please" Dustin tried to reassure her and she hesitantly let go letting him go forward. "Hey it's me, your friend, it's Dustin." He said crouching down causing Violets breath the hitch and she grabbed Steve's hand out of instinct. Steve in return squeezed it to try and calm Violet's nerves.
"You remember me? Will you let us past?" Dustin asked softly receiving a growl in response. "Okay okay, I'm sorry about the storm cellar. I know it was a pretty douche thing to do. You hungry. Yeah?"
"He's instance" Violet heard one of the kids say
"Shut up" Steve muttered trying to let Dustin do his thing.
"I've got out favourite. Nougat. Look at that. Yummy. Go ahead eat up buddy. Come on" Dustin smiles when Dart started munching on the chocolate bar. He then waved his hand signalling for everyone to go forward and they did but Violet and Steve stopped to make sure Dustin got away safely
"Goodbye buddy" Dustin mumbled at his friend going ahead with the rest of the group. But they weren't safe for long as the growling of other demodogs echoed through the tunnels
"What was that?" Max asked worriedly
""They're coming. Run. RUN" Mike bellowed at them all and just like that they were back on their feet sprinting towards the rope which they reached writhing a matter of minutes.

Frantically Steve and Violet helped the kids up the rope and Violet had just managed to push Mike up when she heard the dogs approaching.
"Come on Dustin move" Violet yelled shoving him up the rope as the demodogs got closer and closer. Once he was up Steve tried to push Violet up but she slapped his hands away.
"No. We are not going to both get up there and I'm not leaving you- don't even think about arguing with me. It's you and me together alright? You said always!" Violet shakily said not really wanting to die but not being able to leave Steve down here all by himself- she loved him and if she was going to die she was going to die alongside him. Steve was going to disagree and be the hero by throwing her up but it was too late. The dogs were about to turn around the corner- there was no saving her now so he nodded his head and plastered a weak smile on his face.
"Me and you together. Always." he agreed stepping in front of her and preparing to swing his bat and Violet who appreciated his sentiment by stepping forward to protect her stepped to his level- like his equal, removing the gun from her back pocket and aiming for whatever was going to come at her and Steve.

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