
Getting back to the hotel was hell.

Jungkook felt too weak to try to help carry the weight of Taehyung so they thought to order a cab. But both realized that they don't trust their English skills enough to call a cab, or Uber, or Lyft.

So, they both decided to try to endure the excruciating fifteen-minute walk back to the hotel, surprised that they both didn't get heat exhaustion as today's humidity count was almost near 100%.

As tired as they are, Jungkook and Taehyung helped each other change and shower before crawling into the bed in defeat, not wanting feel gross and dirty up the fresh new set of sheets the maid left. It was only noon and they are wiped.

Ugh. If only the day was over.


"What time is it." He yawned, rubbing his eyes to make out the figure who was shaking him awake.

"It's time to get the fuck up." Yoongi gritted.

"You don't have to be so hostile." Let me sleep. Please, I'm begging you.

"Then you should've been up when I came in the first time. I've been trying to get you up for a few minutes now."

Jungkook groaned into his pillow.  His eyes fluttered close, holding on to the little amount of sleep he has before he fully wakes up. If he can end this conversation in less than five minutes he can go back to sleep without a problem.

"Why isn't Taehyung awake?"

"He nearly fainted trying to go to the bathroom an hour ago, so I decided that it would be best for everyone's sanity that he rest as much as he can. Now get up, they're planning on going to lunch at those nice restaurants by the ocean." They're?

"Why aren't you going?"

"Someone has to watch Taehyung. Make sure he doesn't do anything crazy." This fetal position Jungkook was in was making his abdominal cramps bearable, any movement and in comes a burst of pain that would blow his cover.

"Can I stay too? I'm still tired from yesterday and this morning." Don't question it don't question it please don't fucking question it.

"Okay, I'll let the others know."



"Jungkook, you have been asleep for a long time and I hate to break it to you, but you got to get up now. We're having dinner and some mandatory family bonding with game night. "

Jungkook must have fallen asleep while listening to music, which explained why he was entangled in his ear buds and soft Tori Kelly playing in the background. What he doesn't understand is how he was listening to music in the first place. He must have woken up some time ago and listened to music to go back to sleep. Yeah, that seems logical.

He tried to muster up the strength to get up. He failed to gather the energy the first time.

And the second.

And his third. Well isn't this just my luck.

With the help from Hoseok, and his sheepish excuse of muscle soreness, he was able to get up and was guided to sit on the floor in Jin and Yoongi hotel room.

In front of him was a big serving of ramen in a large pot for all the members to devour. In only his joggers and a tank top he felt so hot, sticky, and gross. The floor was rock hard and the bogus couch pillow made him shift uncomfortably. The food looked like it would smell and taste delightful, but he just felt so nauseous and miserable.

Bts SickFic'sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें