the Love

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Clementine's life was perfect. She had everything she ever wanted and at such a young age. She had AJ, her goofball, her best friend and the little kiddo she loved more than anyone else.

She had a good job, a great job, something she genuinely loved doing. She had that because of her wife.

And her wife. Her amazing wife, Violet. Who could forget her? Such a fast paced, unlikely relationship but they made it work. They loved each other. It was the little things she loved about her, as well as the big things.

Like curling up with her on the sofa and watching some shitty reality TV show, stuffing her face with pizza while Violet watched in laughter.

"You're messy but I love it," she'd whisper to her, "I love you, Clem,"

And she'd smiled, wiping the grease off of her lips. "I love you too, Violet. So, so much," she'd reply before leaning in and pecking her lips.

When she'd take a bath and start to wash her hair, only to find her curls had knotted. AJ would be asleep by then and she'd have to call Violet into the room, Violet would remove her clothes and sit on her knees in the bathroom, scrubbing shampoo into her wife's hair and carefully untangling her curls as she did so.

"I'm sorry if it hurts, I'll try my best," she'd whisper, furrowing her eyebrows, fearing she'd hurt her wife

Clementine would smiled softly, studying her face, "It's alright, you're already the best at everything," she'd reply, then Violet would climb in beside her and they'd lay in the bath, cuddled up together as they pruned.

The things like that. Like waking up in the middle of the night and desperately wanting ice cream, slipping out of bed and realizing she couldn't find any of her own clothes so she just grabbed Violet's shirt.

The scent of Violet being left on her, she could never get rid of it. But she didn't mind. Her pillows smelled like the blonde's shampoo and she loved it so, so much.

Clementine had it all.

But Clementine threw it all away.

"You can't mean it," Clementine shook her head, biting her lip as Violet paced around the room, picking up her things and stuffing them into the bag.

She stood up suddenly, walking in front of the blonde and stopping her from leaving, as she blocked the door she felt a fresh track of tears run down her face, she cupped the blondes pale cheeks in her hands and rubbed at them as if she was disposing of her tears, she brought her close and kissed her nose.

"Please don't leave me, Violet," she begged, pressing her forehead to the blondes as she cried, her tears picking up, she tried to claw at her for support but Violet just slapped her hand away, leaving the girl hissing in pain.

"Get out of my fucking way, liar," she told her, dropping her bag on the ground, she sat down and started to tie her boots while the girl cried beside her on the floor.

"Violet..." she mumbled tearfully, "please, please, please... don't go, Violet... please, I've already lost AJ, I can't lose you, too..."

"You should've thought of that!" Violet cried, she was desperate to not let the situation get the best of her. She just had to get out of the house.

"I- I didn't mean to, Vi! I swear, I didn't... it just happens..."

"You wanted it," Violet reminded her. She looked her over, how pathetic she was laying on the floor drowning in her own tears. It'd be almost comedic if the situation wasn't as serious as it was.

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