the Life

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Violet sat alone in her classroom, correcting papers as her students were in the lunch room. A soft rhythmic tap came on the classroom door. It was a knock that she had the pleasure of hearing for the past seven months now and she still wasn't tired of it. Her heart thudded just a tiny bit faster as she shouted, "Come in!" Turning back to the paperwork on her desk, she pushed it all to the side, anticipating her wife's movements. Clementine slipped through the door, closing it behind her. She walked right up to Violet's desk, sitting on the corner, scooting back and dangling her legs over the edge, crossing them at the ankle. Just as Violet knew she would.

"Is it time for our parent-teacher conference?" Clementine asked with a grin, leaning back on her hands.

Violet kept her eyes glued to the last few assignments on her desk, ignoring the flower patterned skirt that was now brushing against her hand, "Not tired of that line yet?" She sighed, trying to sound disgruntled, but a smile was slowly taking over her face, crinkling her nose, wrinkling her forehead and putting a shine in her eyes.

"Hey...I don't say it every day." Clementine pouted, glancing down at Violet's face, seeing the smile forming. "Besides, you know you like it."

"I do like it and I love you." Violet placed a hand behind Clementine's neck, gently coaxing her head down to meet her lips in a brief kiss.

"Should you be doing that?" Clementine's eyes darted nervously toward the door, noticing construction paper covering the small window.

"I covered the window for our lunch break. It's fine as long as it's just a quick kiss." Violet admitted, eyes dropping back down to her work, embarrassed at her idea.

"I like how you think Mrs. Adlon." Clementine smirked at her wife, tilting her chin so that she could peck her on the lips. Violet blushed and lowered her head once more. "How's AJ been today? He was acting kind of grumpy this morning." Clementine asked, hopping down to retrieve their lunches from a nearby shelf.

Violet finished her last paper and moved everything to the side, sticking things in drawers, making room for them to eat, "He's been a little snappy, but behaving normal besides that. I think he didn't get enough sleep last night."

"I think you're right." Clementine said, coming back to set the lunch boxes on the desk while Violet pulled another chair over so they could sit beside each other. "We'll have to be more strict once I've graduated and things get less hectic."

"I can't believe you're almost done with school... and the way you put Joan in her place at the Home Owner's Association meeting last night... I have to say, very attractive." Violet said, edging a little closer as Clementine sat down.

"I could tell, you were all over me last night." Clementine winked at her flustered wife.

Violet cleared her throat and ignored Clementine's statement, "Ready to graduate and become HOA president?" She asked, their arms brushing against one another as they opened their lunch boxes.

"It's not like I wanted to be president really." Clementine pulled out a container of salad and poured the small package of dressing over it, mixing it all together with her fork. "I just didn't want Joan to be and no one else had the guts to run against her."

Violet smiled as she took a bite, chewing slowly before meeting Clementine's eyes. "So proud of you." an unsupressable smile began to spread across Violet's face. Clementine took note of it and raised an eyebrow curiously.

"What?" She asked. Taking a bite but not removing her eyes from her wife.

"I was just thinking about the meeting..."

Parent-Teacher ConferenceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant