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Hey guys, Rahul here and I got tagged by my sis

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Hey guys, Rahul here and I got tagged by my sis.

Have you ever?

1.  Skipped Classes?
Hell yeah. In fact I did it today

2. Done Drugs?
Nope. Will not either

3. Self Harmed?
Yeah but don't want to talk about it.

4. Drank?

5. Shop-lifted?
Lol Yeah.

6. Gotten a Tattoo?
In my childhood but not now. It was more of a sticker.

7. Broken up with someone?

What's your favorite

8. Favorite Show?
Pokemon and Naruto

9. Movie?
Right now its Kimi No Nawa. Please do watch it. It's beautiful.

10. Song?
Heroes Come Back

11. Artist?
I like many. Can't name them.

12. Singer or Band?
Raon Lee and Pellek

13. Memory?

14. Book?
Harry Potter and Cursed Child

This or That

15. Invisibility or Ability to Fly?
Ability to Fly

16. Cookies or Cake?

17. Twitter or Facebook?
Wattpad duh.

18. Coke or Sprite?

19. Blind or Deaf?

20. Tea or Coffee?

What's your

21. Age?

22. Sign?

23. Height?

24. Sexual Orientation?
????? I don't get it.

25. Longest Relationship?
18 years with my mother

What's your opinion on

26. Gay Rights?
Everyone deserves their rights.

27. Second Chances?
Depends on person to person and circumstances.

28. Long Distance Relationships?
I don't really believe in them.

29. Abortion?
It's wrong.

30. Death Penalty?
I don't know.

31. Marijuana?
A drug. That's all I know.

32. Love?
Is around you in the form of parents and friends. Don't search anywhere else.

Do you

33. Believe in Ghosts?

34. Sleep with door open or closed?

35. Have a gf/bf?

36. Like yourself?
Pretty much. I like myself

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