Chapter 10

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I just walked Y/n home she is truly a remarkable person not only is she smart and beautiful but she can sing and play basketball, she is a girl after my own heart.  I never really noticed her until a couple of weeks ago but I'm glad I did because she is different from other girls, she has become more then just a good friend to me she is the girl I want to always be by my side. I have fallen for this girl in all ways possible, And she will be mine I just know it. I walked slowly all the way home until I reached the front door, I took a deep breath before entering.  I walked in casually , the house was quiet but the atmosphere was definitely tense.  " Where have you been huh!" My Appa shouted from the kitchen, great just great here we go. " School where else" I replied walking towards to the stairs. " DON'T GOD DAMN LIE ME TO YOU BUNKED DIDN'T YOU DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION? DO YOU NOT WANT A GOOD JOB ? WHY CAN'T YOU BE LIKE YOUR BROTHER HE HAS GOOD GRADES AND GOOD OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIS FUTURE. HE DON'T SIT AROUND HOPELESSLY DREAMING OF BECOMING A GOOD FOR NOTHING MUSICIAN !!!" He shouted, my blood was boiling I am so sick of this everyday is the same. I storm up to my room and pack a bag. I can't keep doing this , I don't know where I am going to go and to be honest I don't care right now. Anywhere is better then this.  I had just finished packing a bag when I heard my Eomma shout up " Yoongi there is a young lady here for you " I grabbed my bag and walked down to see Y/n standing there she is is like my emergency life line, she knows just when I need her and she appears. 


Finally I had finished studying and my Eomma was home and cooking dinner. It has been a few hours and Yoongi didn't message to let me know he got home. Feeling a little concerned I walked downstairs to the kitchen where my Eomma was cooking. " Hey darling how was school?" she asked as she tasted whatever it was she was cooking. " it was good Eomma" I replied grabbing a glass of water and sipping it. " How is Yoongi doing? why don't you invite him round for dinner?" She suggested. " okay Eomma" I replied walking off back up to my room to phone Yoongi. I tried ringing him five times but he didn't answer that's not like him. I hope he is okay. What if things at home are bad again between him and his Appa. I grab my jacket let my Eomma know i was just going to ask him before leaving and walking to his home. I stood outside listening and that is when I heard the shouting. " DON'T GOD DAMN LIE ME TO YOU BUNKED DIDN'T YOU DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR EDUCATION? DO YOU NOT WANT A GOOD JOB ? WHY CAN'T YOU BE LIKE YOUR BROTHER HE HAS GOOD GRADES AND GOOD OPPORTUNITIES FOR HIS FUTURE. HE DON'T SIT AROUND HOPELESSLY DREAMING OF BECOMING A GOOD FOR NOTHING MUSICIAN !!!" I knew instantly that was his Appa and that he was shouting at Yoongi again. It wasn't fair Yoongi actually does pretty well in school and if his Appa took the time to hear Yoongi's musical talents then he would not dare to say such a thing. I felt so angry  knowing that this how he has to live. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A lady answered the door she was about my height and looked like Yoongi, I assumed this was his Eomma. " Good Evening Mam I'm Yoongi's girlfriend Y/n,  I was just wondering if he is home" I said politely feeling a little nervous. " good afternoon dear it nice to meet you Y/n and yes he is home come inside a moment" She replied letting me inside. I stood there when an older male walked in this must be his Appa. " Who the hell is this? " He asked Yoongi's Eomma, she smiled " Dear this is Y/n , Yoongi's girlfriend" she replied " Yoongi there is a young lady here for you" she shouted up the stairs. " well at least my good for nothing son has taste" Yoongi's Appa barked.  I stood trying not to say anything but felt a little guilty because Yoongi bunked two lessons to give me some space. " I would like to apologise to you both, It was because of me that Yoongi bunked maths and science today it's a long story of what happened but I  took the lesson notes down for him so he wouldn't fall behind." I defended Yoongi just as he walked down the stairs carrying a bag over his shoulder. His eyes lit up when he saw me standing there , he walked over and wrapped his arms around me holding me tight and that's when I knew that I needed this boys by my side for both our sanity's . " Where do you think you are going kid?" His dad barked at him, Yoongi turned to face him " away from you " he said back as he took my hand and we left his house. We walked silently for a moment or so. " Are you okay?" I asked feeling concerned about him. " I am now thanks to you , your always appear when I need you " He replied as we walked to mine holding hands. When we arrived I led Yoongi into the kitchen where my Eomma was dishing dinner up. " Eomma can Yoongi stay for a little while please I'll explain later but right now Eomma my boyfriend needs us " I spoke sweetly , Yoongi looked at me with a smile on his face which mirrored my Eomma's reaction. " Of course he can sweetie Yoongi treat this as your own home okay ?" she replied Yoongi nodded and thanked her  before placing his bag on the stairs while we all sat down to eat. After we had all finished eating i went to take a bath before bed while Yoongi and my Eomma cleaned up.


We had just all finished eating , I  was so grateful for everything Y/n and her Eomma are doing for me and I felt so happy that Y/n referred to me as her boyfriend. I took all the dishes to the sink to be cleaned which I did while Y/n's Eomma dried them and put them away. " Thankyou so much for letting me stay " I thanked her while I finished cleaning. " You don't need to thank me your Y/n's boyfriend therefore you are part of the family sweetie" she replied patting me on the back. She really made me feel like this was my family. " The truth is me and my Appa don't get on he is always comparing me to my brother and kicking off at me making me feel useless and unwanted and doubt my dreams and to be honest the only thing keeping going at the moment is Y/n" I spoke in all honesty hoping she would understand. " Yoongi dear, that must be hard living like that your a nice lad and don't give up on your dreams okay " she said just as Y/n came downstairs to say goodnight to her Eomma. " let's go to bed Yoongi" she said taking my bag upstairs I said goodnight to her Eomma and followed her up to bed where we cuddled until we fell asleep. 

A simple mistake . YoonGi fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora