chapter 3

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I was on my way to school when Yoongi walked past me and completely ignored me, He looked tired like he hadn't sleep. I hope he is okay, I tried to keep up with him but I failed miserably he can sure walk fast. Once I arrived at school he was no where to be seen  but we have maths first lesson so I will see him there. I rushed to the classroom to see him already sat in his seat next to me I slowly walked over and took my seat, he didn't even look up or say hello. Whats going on with him? He just stared blankly at his notebook all lesson not taking notes or anything so i took double in case he needed them. When the lesson finished he was gone by the time I looked up.  We have science next and that lesson was the same he sat next to me without saying a word or acknowledging my existence. Did I do something to upset him. Class ended and yet again Yoongi was gone by the time I looked up , we have music next, so he will have to talk to me, When I arrived at the classroom I looked around and he was no where to be seen, where could he be ? I sat down and awaited for him to turn up but he never did, so I had to practice alone next is lunch but i'm starting to doubt that he will turn up to our extra practice session. Once the bell went i stayed sat waiting and waiting until Lunch was mover and he never turned up how could he do this ? I was angry how he could just bail without telling me I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the classroom to go to Literature where I just got on with my assignment , trying my best not to think about him but i was failing knowing sports was next and our teacher was still absent but I didn't want to sit and watch Yoongi play for the rest of the day so I might just ask if i can go independent studying in the library instead.  The class finally ended so i made my way to sports and asked if I could go do independent study which the teacher agreed to. I left the sports hall and walked to the Library to study for my literature assignment on poetry. Finally after two hours my assignment was done and so was school thankfully i just wanted to go home and rest. 

The next few day at school where the same I barely saw Yoongi and he bailed on music and our lunch sessions I don't know whats going on with him .I wanted to ask him so he knew he could talk to me if he needed a friend but I doubt that would happen. I would lay in bed at night and hope and pray he was okay but I guess I wont find out. 

I awoke the next morning already knowing i would barely see Yoongi again today but I have gotten used to it. I got ready in my uniform and went downstairs skipping breakfast and made my out  of the door where I was surprised to see Yoongi standing there with his usual smile. He looked like he still hadn't slept and had lost weight which was worrying, but what is he doing here?

Yoongi:" morning, ready to go?"

Y/n:" why are you here?" 

Yoongi:" Because I wanted to walk to school with you"

The walk to school was silent not one of us spoke , I was so confused why did he want to walk to school with me when he has ignored me for days. Up  close he looked extremely exhausted, hie eyes were dark and he had bags under his eyes , he resembled a panda to be honest and the weight he had lost was noticeable I was worried about him. We finally arrived at school and made our way to the maths class but he was very withdrawn from reality, not paying attention to the teacher but to his own thoughts. I don't know if we are friends but what I do know is I am worried about this boy whom I have deeper feelings for since we started being desk buddies and partners. I took two sets of notes so he could have a set if he needed them but it was like he didn't care. 

Y/N:" Yoongi are you okay?"

Yoongi:" yeah fine"

Did I do something ?he was okay when we were outside my house, but now he is being cold again. What happened ? I would ask him whats bothering him, but I don't want to pressure  him into talking to me.  I kept an eye in him through the lesson and for the rest of the day but he didn't show up to the rest of our lessons again. Where could he be? I waited at the gate outside of school for him, when i saw him he still looked withdrawn , he didn't see me so i followed him home so I could see if he was okay. After walking for half an hour we ended up in a poor area and up to a shabby house. This is where he is living i stood in silence taking in the look of his home. 

" YOONGI! your late again! why can't you be more like your brother ? he has good grades and you can't do anything right!  your also going to be late for work! we need that god damn money to survive!"  A male voice shouted , my heart ached for Yoongi, I never knew he lived like this. It explains why he looks tired and withdrawn and lost weight and I refuse to stand by and watch this happen. I ran to the nearest shop and bought bags and bags of groceries and carried them all back to his home and left them on the door step with a note.


A helping hand from your guardian angel.


I knocked on the door and ran away before I was spotted. I walked home feeling proud of myself for helping him out when he really needed it. I finally arrived home and went straight to bed hoping he will be okay.

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