Chapter 4: Just This Once

Start from the beginning

                I trudged up the stairs and Scott appeared at the landing with a cold look on his face.  I guess some things never change.  “Where have you been all night?”

I reached the last step with a huff. “I was at Rusty’s.  I told you that.”

                “It’s past midnight.  You should’ve called.”

                “You’re my brother, not my dad.  So piss off.”

About 99% of the time, Scott and I never get along.  The 1% I fake it.  I can’t stand him.  Knowing everything he’s done.  Watching what he’s done.  I wasn’t sure how much more I could handle. “The first week we move back here and you’re already acting like an idiot.” He spat.

                “This was your idea.  Not mine.” I pushed passed him to head to my room, but stopped abruptly.  I turned back around, seeing he was angrier than he was ten seconds ago.  “Why did we move back here?  I thought the point of us leaving was to never come back.”

                “It seems the band is more popular here.  We moved for business.  Daddy’s trust fund isn’t going to last forever, is it?”

I hated talking about my parents.  I miss them a lot.  More than I care to admit.  “I have a show tomorrow.  I’m going to bed.”  I entered my room without another word.

                I will never think of Scott as my brother.  The only brother I have is Alex.  And I miss him like crazy, too.  These past few months with Scott have been torturous.  There hasn’t been any girls on my end, but plenty on his.  I wasn’t allowed to leave the house without Andy and no one was allowed here, either.  Andy’s here when Scott leaves.  Scott usually makes me go with him, but he’s been secretive ever since we moved back here.

                And I know damn well this move wasn’t for the band.

                The whole band was pretty thrilled with the move, but I wasn’t.  Nothing good comes from Scott.  And I know this move was for his benefit and not mine.  He’s not that selfless.

                When I got into bed after my shower, I started thinking about Willow for the first time since I left my house.  I half expected to see her.  I didn’t know about the nanny thing, but I watched her walk inside the house.  I didn’t expect to see her in my room though.  That was a bonus.  Seeing her that way didn’t help me either. 

                I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t miss Willow.  I didn’t miss her as much as the months went on until I completely numbed myself from feeling anything.  Seeing her again brought back a lot.  The happiness I felt when I was with her and the pain I left when I did.  It was good seeing her.  I thought I would be a lot angrier.  Not at Willow, but at Scott for keeping me away from her.

           I told her it was almost over.  I really shouldn’t have said that, but the feeling to keep reassuring her will always be there.  To tell her everything will be okay.  You’ll be okay and I’ll be okay.  But the truth was I didn’t know.  I did know I wasn’t taking any more of this.  Nine months was long enough.

                Scott was already gone when I woke up.  Andy let himself in already and was sitting on the couch in the living room.  “My babysitter is here.” I put on a mocking smile.

I’m surprised Andy isn’t tired of my shit yet.  “You need to get out of the house.”

                “Remember last time you told me I needed to get out of the house?”

                “Yeah, you came home with a tattoo and a piercing.”

I bit down on the lip ring out of habit.  “A think I see a new tattoo in my future.”

Andy let out a groan, “I think I see about five cups of coffee in mine.”

Andy was in his late thirties.  Taller than me, that’s for sure.  But no family, so we can relate somehow.  He’s like an older brother to me at this point.  Keeps me out of more trouble than I put myself in.  “Do you think you could take me somewhere a bit far from here?” I asked timidly.

                “You know we’re not allowed to leave Huntington—”

                “I won’t ask again.  Just this once.”

He was torn, I could tell.  His expression softened because I knew he felt bad for me.  “Get dressed so we can get out of here.”

I quickly ran up the stairs without another word to get ready.  I slipped on jeans and a t-shirt, and can’t forget the shoes. I put a beanie over my mess of curls, tucking them under slightly and pulling the beanie back a bit.

                Andy was already waiting at the front door with it opened wide.  I ran out and he followed.  Another thing I was allowed to have besides my freedom, was a car.  Not even a bike.  I might as well place a shock collar around my neck.  Or one of those house arrest bracelets.  But even those people have more freedom than I do. 

                “Where are we headed?” Andy asked as we pulled out of the driveway.

                “There’s this park by my old house.  I used to take my brother on some weekends.  I would be nice to see it again.”

Andy knew how much I missed my brother, so there were no words on his part.  “And you’re sure she won’t be there?”

I snorted, “Two things.  LA is huge, and filled with a lot of parks I’m sure.  And number two, I know Willow.  Wake her up before she has to and she’ll kill you.  She likes her sleep.”

He mumbled something about keeping my word.

                A small part of me hoped she was there, another part hoping she was still sleeping.  But I know Alex.  He was always up before me during the summer.  Always wanted to go to the beach or to the park.  I took him to this park a few times, enough to make a few memories.  I took him to a few different parks in Huntington as well.  But I needed to be a bit closer.

                Was I being stupid? Clearly.  Was it worth it?  Undecided.  Was I going to do it anyway?



No Willow and short chapter. :/  But I'm trying to space it out, and give you guys some filling stuff before I wreck everything. :)))))

The next chapter will be in Noah's point of view!!!!

And it will be longer hopefully, hahaha.

Love you guys. <3

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