One Last Question:

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As time went by, and their relationship went from strength to strength, the two became increasingly aware that almost nothing had changed between them. Of course life changed massively around them, from them going public with their relationship, to touring the country together, not once, but twice. But their relationship stayed the same, they could still make the other laugh as much as they always had done, and the trust and emotional intimacy that they developed through answering those thirty-six questions was still a big reason why the pair believed that they were still as strong as they were.

After the show had finished, the two were no longer spending every waking hour together, but the closeness that they had built up during that time had remained, and if anything they had grown ever closer. Joe had believed that he knew almost all there was to know about her, but boy was he proved wrong. He didn't know how much he'd love to hate her habit of leaving open the fridge door, he had absolutely no idea how red hair dye could stain almost every surface of his apartment and now he'd almost gotten used to the way in which his girlfriend never stopped, never took a break, not once.

It was currently a couple days before Christmas, and for the second year running the pair had decided to spend it in Dianne's hometown with her family. The summer's evening was warm, so Joe had suggested that they took a stroll along the beach. They walked hand in hand along the shoreline as the sun began to set, Dianne pointing out parts of the beach and telling him stories as they walked. Dianne was peaceful, and at ease with her love and being at one of her favourite places in the world with him made her even happier.

Joe, by contrast was more nervous than he had been in a long time, the only thing that was preventing him from shaking was her hand in his. He surreptitiously patted his pocket, feeling the familiar box that he had carried with him that evening, hoping for a moment like this.

He'd been terrified when he first met her parents, but they had welcomed him into their family with open arms. He smiled to himself as he thought back to the moment he had asked Mark for his daughter's hand. Mark had smiled wide, shaking his hand firmly as if to seal a deal. Rina had simply taken him into his arms, and this was all the permission that Joe had needed.

He'd thought long and hard about where and when he was going to do it, wanting to make the moment perfect, after all that girl deserved nothing less. But he'd been stumped. Dianne often told him that he was far more romantic than she had ever expected him to be, and he was surprised that she'd unlocked this part of him too. He had found himself buying her little gifts, for no reason other than to see her smile, waking up earlier than he would have ever dreamt of just to spend mornings with her, and he knew she'd turned him soft. His friends and family teased him rotten about it, but all he could do was smile. It was true after all. She'd changed him, made him happier than he realised was possible.

Eventually, they reached the end of the beach, and Dianne looked up at him smiling, stealing a kiss before pulling him towards the cliff so that they would have the best view of the sunset. Joe just followed and sat next to her, gently holding her waist to pull her closer.

They sat quietly for a while, just appreciating the view and each other's company. Dianne was completely engaged by the sunset, but Joe was more preoccupied by his nervous energy. When the sun finally dropped below the sea, he knew that his time was now. He stood up, pulling his girlfriend to her feet wordlessly. He moved in front of her, taking both of her hands in his, blocking her from the view of the sea at night. She frowned slightly in confusion, but she went along with his movements, looking up at him uncertainly.

He dropped down on one knee, and she gasped audibly, moving her hands in front of her mouth as her eyes widened.

With shaky hands, he took out the box, and opened it carefully, showing his love a beautiful ring that was sparkling gently in the near darkness. He'd spent hours searching for the perfect one, and in the end had to consult his sister for help. At her reaction to the object, he saw all this effort was immediately worth it.

"Dianne. You've taught me not only how to dance, but how to love. Three years ago, I would never have expected to be here, but I'm so glad that we are. Not only are you one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out, you have taught me more about myself than I could ever have learnt alone. Since meeting you, everyone around me has noticed how much happier I am. I never expected this to happen from starting a dance show but I'm so grateful it has. You know me better than anyone else ever could, and you make me laugh harder and louder than I ever thought I would. You're an inspiration, not only to me but to so many people all over the world. And I love you, so, so much and I promise to continue doing so for as long as you let me." He paused slightly, to see her eyes shining with tears as she smiled widely.

He laughed gently at her appearance. "Thank you for being patient with me, for listening to me, for loving me when I need it. Thank you for making my life that bit brighter. I've loved every moment I've spent with you. You can probably guess where this speech is going, so before I start crying, I'll wrap it up now." He said shakily, his voice trembling with nerves.

"When we were only getting to know each other, we both asked and answered thirty-six questions, but if you'd let me, I want to ask you one last one." He said, and smiled hesitantly.

She nodded, unable to contain the smile that had spread on her face.

He took a deep breath, before asking the final question, "Dianne Claire Buswell, will you do me the honour of marrying me?"

She nodded once again, speechless as tears cascaded down her cheeks. She made no movement in order to try and stop them as they flowed down her face. Eventually, she felt her legs make her way towards him, as she brought him up into the tightest hug. By this point he was crying too, as they sobbed heavily into each other's shoulders.

As they broke apart, Dianne began to speak. "Yes Joe, a million times yes." She said, and although her voice shook with emotion, and was thick with tears Joe could still detect the certainty in her answer.

With tears still streaming out of his eyes, he took the ring out of the box, slipping it carefully onto her ring finger. She smiled down at it, marvelling at it as it twinkled gently in the moonlight. "It's beautiful. Thank you. I can't wait to marry you." She said simply.

"I can't wait to call you my wife." He said, smiling.

At this, she jumped into his armm, wrapping her legs around his middle. He stumbled slightly in shock, before smiling widely and planting a kiss on her lips. She deepened it almost immediately, as they tasted the salt on each other's lips, from not only their tears but the sea. They continued to kiss for several minutes, as they tried their upmost to capture their emotions in their embrace. As they broke apart, and Joe settled her back on the sand safely, the laughed at their matching smiles and teary eyes.

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." She said, taking his hand with her left one. He held it gently as he got used to the feeling of the new ring on her hand, reminding him of the promise they had both shared.

"Is the ring okay?" he asked her suddenly, as they strolled back along the beach towards her parent's house.

"It's perfect." She said. It was smaller than most engagement rings, but it was absolutely beautiful. The band was fairly simple too, save for the Indonesian phrase that they'd both taken to saying engraved on the inside that she hadn't yet noticed due to the darkening of the night's sky. But she loved it anyway. "And Joe?" she said, smiling as he immediately looked towards her. "You could have proposed with a haribo ring, or no ring at all and I'd still be the luckiest girl in the world to be marrying you." She said quietly.

He kissed the side of her forehead gently at this admission, as she leant into him. "Bless your cotton socks. I love you. Aku cinta kamu."

She smiled contently, and wrapped an arm comfortably around his waist as she moved closer to him as they walked. "Aku cinta kamu."

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