Question Twenty-Five:

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Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "We are both in this room feeling..."

Thankfully, Joe's sickness was a twenty-four hour bug, so they did not miss out on much training. However, it did still mean that the two were both even more exhausted than they would usually be on show day. Dianne especially was rather stressed at the prospect of dancing again, this week had also been tough on her, and to be completely honest, she still felt slightly out of depth. Being new to the style of dance, yet still having the role of the professional dancer reminded her of her first few weeks of starting strictly. She became lost in her thoughts, remembering how out of her depth she had felt. Her dance background was so different to many of the other pros, and she remembered how differently they had each been taught the same steps. She was so close to giving up on that first day, but now she was so glad that she didn't.

"You alright Dianne?" asked Joe, who pulled up a seat in the studio next to her, noticing her unusual quietness.

"Yeah, I was just caught up in my thoughts." She said, smiling at her friend.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked, wondering at why she had looked so far away.

"Oh nothing much." She brushed him off quickly, not quite meeting his gaze.

He looked at her, finally meeting her eyes. She saw only a gentle curiosity in his gaze which succeeded in its mission of getting her to open up.

"Okay, I was just thinking about when I had first joined the show. My dance style was quite different to the rest of the pros and it took me a little while to adjust, because I had been taught so differently." She explained quietly.

"Oh so kind of like now." He realised.

"Yeah." She admitted, looking to the floor uncertainly.


"Yeah?" she asked, looking up at her partner.

"Are you nervous?" he teased, laughing when she ducked her head in embarrassment.

"Stop it Joe!" she laughed nervously. "I am a bit more nervous than normal yes." She confessed, the weight on her shoulders lifting slightly as she told him.

He adapted a more serious tone after seeing her response. "Honestly Di, I'd have no idea that you haven't done this sort of thing before. You make me believe that you've been doing it for years." He told her.

"Thanks Joe," she said quietly, moving her chair closer to his, and resting her head on his shoulder as they watched the others going through their camera blocking. This was a moment that the two of them had grown to treasure, where they had nothing to amuse themselves except the others presence. This time always went quickly, as it always did when they were together.

They had been sat there for no longer than half an hour, just talking quietly, pockets of laughter escaping the pair occasionally, before they were both confronted by numerous dancers surrounding them. Dianne took her head off of his shoulder, and they shifted away from each other self-consciously.

"Hi, what's up?" Joe asked, slightly confused.

"We need to borrow Dianne." Said Amy, before Dianne was dragged away from Joe. She looked back at him apologetically, only to find him laughing at her misfortune with Neil taking her space next to him. Sighing, she let herself be lead across to the other side of the studio by the girls.

"So." Said Katya. "Spill Dianne."

"Spill what?" she asked, confused.

"What is going on between you and Joe?" she said, a knowing smirk having taken over her features.

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