Question Sixteen:

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What do you value most in a friendship?

The clock in Joe's apartment read three minutes past eleven, but the two of them had only just finished working. Dianne slumped forward onto Joe's counter in an exaggerated fashion as Joe tided up the camera equipment, laughing at his friend. She got up, smiling before getting herself a glass of water- she was comfortable there and despite only having visited a few times she knew her way around his apartment.

Joe came back into the room, "you've made yourself at home I see," he teased.

She blushed slightly "sorry I didn't think you'd mind," she said quickly, still faced away from her partner.

He laughed, before sitting on the sofa "of course I don't, I'm happy that you're comfortable here."

"Oh," she said, joining him on the sofa. "Is it alright if I stay over tonight? I brought a change of clothes with me because I thought I'd be too tired to leave." She asked.

"Yeah of course. The studio is closer so it makes sense. You can take my bed, seen as Byron is home."

"No I don't want you to be kicked out of a bed. I can sleep on the couch!" she protested firmly.

Knowing that she wouldn't give in Joe suggested "why don't we do a question to make us feel sleepy and then decide from there?"

"Oh go on then." Was her reply. "Especially as it's your turn first," she smiled, leaning comfortably onto his shoulder, laughing as he rolled his eyes, although he made no effort to move her away from him. "So Joe, what do you value most in a friendship?"

"Umm I think-" as soon as Joe started, he was interrupted by Byron and Dianne quickly sat up straight, blushing awkwardly at how comfortable she had made herself in his home. Joe smiled at his roommate, "you alright mate?"

"Yeah I'm good man, I'm going to head to Emily's for tonight." He said, smiling at the pair. During the time he'd known Joe, he'd never seen her as comfortable with a girl in his life. But being the rather easy going person he was, he didn't want to stir anything, even with the position he'd just caught them in. He figured, logically if anything was going on he'd be one of the first to know and judging by Joe's lack of reaction, there wasn't. How disappointing. He could see they'd be well suited if the time was to ever arise. Still, he made a mental note to talk about this with Joe when they next had a free moment.

"Oh okay, I'll see you at some point tomorrow then? Have a good evening."

"You too. Hi Dianne, how are you doing? He asked his friend's partner, smiling politely.

"Hi By-ron. I'm good thank you, Joe is picking up the dance well so it's not been too bad. You?" she smiled, grateful to be included in the conversation, and Byron smiled at her pronunciation- she'd clearly been hanging around Joe for a while.

"Yeah I'm good thanks. Have a good evening, and Joe I just changed my sheets if you need to use my bed." With that, the South African left, closing the door gently, leaving the two alone in the living room once more.

"You've got a good roommate you know?" Dianne told Joe. "He really seems to look out for you."

He smiled in pride. "I do. Don't tell him that though, it'll get to his head." He joked. "But no seriously he's one of the good ones, I couldn't ask for a better roommate. Emily is a lucky girl."

"Is that his girlfriend I'm assuming?" she asked, slightly unsure of the context of the roommates'' conversation.

"Yeah that's right." He replied. "You alright there?" he laughed, looking at Dianne's position on the sofa, she was still sat straight upright, a calculated distance between her and her partner.

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