Chapter 3

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It’s been two weeks since senior year started and I am having a blast. Melanie and I have been

inseparable, my classes are going smoothly, and lacrosse practices are in full force. I can’t wait

for the new season to start. This is going to be a great year, I can feel it.

It’s early Monday morning and as I lie in bed, I think about Melanie and remember the way she

feels in my arms as she purrs into my neck. The radio alarm sounds off and the Z100 Morning

Show begins to play Katy Perry’s new song. Ehh, Katy is cute but not enough to tempt me.

Climbing out of bed, I head to the shower. About an hour later, I’m on my way to the subway,

but first I stop at the local bodega to grab a bacon, egg, and cheese on a roll. I need my breakfast

and can’t resist bacon. While I’m waiting for my sandwich, my cell starts ringing and I glance at

it to see Melanie is calling.

“Hey, sweetie. I should there in thirty minutes.” I pay for my sandwich and head toward the


Melanie’s cough echoes through the speaker, “I’m not feeling well, Duke. I think I have the flu.”

She coughs again and I can hear a little phlegm this time. Her voice is scratchy and weak. My

heart breaks for her. “Do you want me to come bring you medicine?” I’m about to head for the

pharmacy when she rejects my offer.

“No, I don’t want you to get sick. You have lacrosse and I will not be blamed for your absence.

Just go to school. I am going to sleep this off.” She sounds so exhausted and I begin to worry a


“Are you sure, Melanie? I don’t mind bringing you something.”

“Duke, please. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you when I wake up from my nap. Promise.” I can hear her

smile through the phone and my worry subsides.

“Okay, baby, get some rest. Call me later.” I hang up and head toward the subway. I only have to

wait a few minutes for the 6 train to arrive. As the train pulls into the station, I put my

headphones on and begin to eat my sandwich.

About twenty minutes later, I walk into Forensics class and sit at my usual table next to Rob.

“What’s up, Duke? Have a good weekend?” Rob takes his books out of his backpack and places

them on top of the table.

“Yeah, it was great. I took Melanie to go see the new Spiderman movie. She loves Jamie Foxx.”

I laugh as I picture her laughing at Foxx’s corny jokes during the movie.

“Oh, how was it?” he asks excitedly. Just as I’m about to answer his question, Mr. Cerillo walks

into class and shuts the door. “Alright, students, hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Today. we

will learn how to extract and read our fingerprints.” The class vibrates with excitement and

cheering. I can’t wait to do this. I love that CSI show and forensics has always fascinated me.

“Alright, we need to form groups of three, so just get together and I’ll pass out the materials.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2014 ⏰

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