im bored || about me

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•Italian or Chinese? Italian
•Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
•Tea or coffee? Coffee
•Cookies or brownies? Brownies
•Breakfast or lunch? lunch

•Blonde or brunette? Brunette
•Long or short? Bottom of shoulder blades. (Idk which)
•Curly or strait? Wavy
•Curling iron or flat iron? Flat iron
•Top knot or ponytail? Top knot
• Up or down? Both

•Crop tops or regular? Crop tops
•Sweatpants or jeans? Can't decide
•Long sleeve or short? Short
•Ankle boots or knee high? Ankle boots
•Heels or flats? Heels
•Pants or shorts? Both
•Skirts or ripped jeans? Ripped jeans

•Eyeliner or lash extensions? Lash extensions
•Neutral or colored eye shadow? Neutral
•Gloss or lipstick? Lipstick
•Bronzer or blush? Bronzer
•Concealer or powder foundation? Concealer
•Glitter or matte? Both

•Short or long? Medium
•Light or dark colors? Light
•Natural or acrylic? Both
•Square or oval shape? Neither (hehehe. What do I have right
now? Guess.)

• tall or short? In the middle
•Thin or curvy? Thin
•Athletic or no? Athletic (volleyball)
•Body wash or bar soap? Body wash
•Perfume or body spray? Perfume
•Lotion or body butter? Depends
•Blue eyes, hazel, or brown? Brown with gold flecks.

•Tropical or city life? Oh no..... I have no idea
•Rain or shine? Shine
•Day or night? Night
•Winter or fall? Fall
•Spring or summer? Summer
•Snow or rain? Snow
•Your dream vacation? Comment

No category— random
•Energetic or low energy? Energetic
•Daytime or night owl? Night owl
•Crying when sad or frustrated? Frustrated
•Bath or shower? Shower
•Pads or tampons? Both
•Chapstick or lipscrub? Lipscrub Lipscrub
•Hair mask or face mask? Face mask

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