The room unchanged 227.

134 7 0

The cooler cooled my ears and toes,
The stress heated my cheek and mind.

Had I known ,
that they won't help.
Then I won't
have went, in that room.

The request was
changing of my room,
as I felt edgy in there.

Was just a request ,
as a kid.
Her first time ,
standing all alone.

Just some helpless friends that stood,
neither had power nor money.
All they had was mouth to speak,
"she feels uncomfortable in that room".

I didn't like my roommates at all.
All they do was praise themselves.
One was older
and one was friend.
But all they knew was,
how to lie.

Today I write this out aloud,
because I have no room to stay.

I told my story to you all.
A hostel life
Tis my first .
A more of journey yet to go.
I wish I had some money to bribe.
So that
when I say don't like
they can give me what I like

A bribeful society
that I live
With the needs unattended
Was just a request
not so much

They could have given
if they wished
but tis my faith
unlucky faith
Had so much differ with their face

They were same in face with them.
They were support each with each.

If It were my hometown,
they might
give me a room
when I asked.

But tis my faith
unlucky faith
Had to stay in my friend's room.

A homeless feel
I can feel
Adopted by a humble friend

Yes !!
They would give me room
If I was same as them
but tis my fate
unlucky fate
had a different face from them.

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